Chapter Seven: Barbecue

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"You agreed to a barbecue?!" I shout in horror.

"It's not like I could say no, Mack." Markus answers in a calm voice. How come he gets to be calm and I get to freak out? My mate could touch me or pick up one of the twins, then my perfect life is shattered and he'll try to take my kids from me.

"Calm down, Macaroni. You got to be there for like fifteen minutes before you make an escape, you spend more time near him during training." Lil tells me, laying on the couch in Markus and Jen's room. I plop down on her, making her 'oof'.

"You're crushing me." She hisses before she pulls her feet out from under me and puts them on top of me.

"You couldn't have gotten me out of it? Maybe you still can? Who would watch the twins? I'd have to stay with all the higher ups, the twins would be bord. It will probably last until after the twins bedtime, they'll get cranky..."

"Sorry Mack, they already thought of that. There is going to be a kids area, they are going to have the old Luna and some of the other mothers watching them. So until their bedtime, they have babysitters." Markus tells me. I groan loudly before pushing Lil's legs off me and storming out of the room.

I walk into my room and see Jen sitting with Michael in her lap and Eric with Lia in his watching Finding Nemo. The adults turn to look at me with fake smiles.

"So they told you the news, huh?" Jen asks. I nod.

"And I see you two won the coin flip." I grumble, flopping down on the couch behind them.

"Shhh, Mommy." Lia tells me  as she turns around and puts a finger to her lips.

"I think it's time for the gummies again, Mack." Eric tells me, pointing to his nose. I take in a deep breath and realize that our scents are reverting back. I go to my suitcase and take out the bottle of gummies. They are specially designed to change the scent of a werewolf, I couldn't risk him recognizing me or the twins. I take three of the purple gummies out, popping one in my mouth before turning back to the group of four.

"Okay, I'll leave you two alone if you take these." I tell the twins, squatting in front of them. They eagerly take the gummies from me before shooing me out of their way. I smile at them as I take a seat back on the couch.

I know that someday, no matter how much I don't want it to happen, they'll ask about their father. It's been four years and I still don't know what I'll tell them. Will I tell them that he died before they were born? That he loved me and them? I don't want to lie to them but I don't want them to think badly of mates. My mate was an arrogant, selfish, prideful, egotistical jerk but that doesn't mean all mates are. I mean, look at Jen and Markus. They are weird, but they are great together. I want the twins to think of that when they think of mates.

I just hope  I have time to decide what to tell them.

The movie ends and I turn off the TV, earning groans from the twins, Jen, and Eric. I stand in front of it with my hands on my hips, shaking my head. "Alright, time to get ready."

"Ready for what, Mommy?" Michael asks, getting up from Jen's lap.

"We have a picnic to go to. Uncle Eric and Aunt Jen are going to go get ready and so are we." I tell them, prying Lia from Eric with a glare to him.

"Really?! Where there be kids?" Lia asks as she jumps up and down. I stare at her for a moment, if I hadn't been there when she was born, I wouldn't think she was mine in this moment. She's excited... about other kids. I glance to Michael and see him looking at me with a face of somewhat horror. Now that is my kid.

"Yes. And I'll be right there if you need me." I answer, shooing Eric and Jen out of the room. They have been surprisingly silent and it's freaking me out. They both have the inability to stay quiet, it's not natural for them to stay still or quiet... ever.

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