A lonesome tear fell down her cheek slowly. The emotions that Lucy had bottled up for the time Natsu had been missing were now being released. She was scared and didn't know why, the screams were threatened to let lose.

"I care about you Luce and if you were to ever get hurt, I would go out of my freaking mind."

"I promise I will never leave you." With that the pink haired boy grasped her hands and looked into her brown orbs. "Ok Luce, I'll come back don't worry." The girl nodded quietly not trusting her voice to answer back.

The sound of the wind bringing in the clouds caused the girl to fall on her knees, Mai quickly ran over to the girl. She had no idea what to do in this situation, usually Natsu always knew what to do in situations like these.

"Do you love him?" Erza asked the blonde haired girl as she broke down after hearing what had happened. Lucy had looked up at her and looked down once again." When he looks at you all I see is pure admiration and love." Lucy felt her heart shatter and the tears threatened to come out. She truly knew how her dad felt when her mother had died.

Lucy pulled herself to her feet and stumbled down the path to the river, forcing herself to sprint towards it.  Her brown eyes drifted to the tree branch, the blonde haired girl gulped and walked across gently. She then noticed a blood trail, her heart pounded more loudly and behind her she heard Mai gasp from shock. She slowly followed the trail and she then saw something that made her sick from her stomach. Tied down covered in blood was none other than Natsu Dragneel.

A scream passed her lips, the sound was louder than the wind blowing and echoed across the forest. It was the loudest she had screamed and she screamed until she no longer had any breath left.


   Damon was looking at a map trying to pinpoint a direction his friend could be in, Gray was beside him trying to look over the map as well. That was until they heard a loud scream from the forest, Damon immediately knew who it was and jumped up from his chair running towards the forest.


   Mai felt a lump form in her throat as she saw her friend kneel down beside Natsu and then she heard a sound coming from her left side. She quickly dodged a bullet, she looked up to see a masked figure covered in a red cloak. Beside them stood two others, one was dressed in black while the other was clothed in a white cloak covered in blood.

"We were waiting child, the scream of the wailing women, how intriguing." Mai quickly stood in front of Lucy and held her hands out. Her blue eyes looked at the one in the white, her eyes narrowed and her heart jumped in anger.

"What the hell did you do to my friends?" She asked angrily. They simply laughed and the one clothed in red pulled down their hood revealing white curly hair sticking up from the mask. It was a women, Mai could tell automatically.

"We had no need for him, nor did we for the other two." She answered coldly. The one dressed in the blue cloak chuckled pulling down their hood and mask revealing a boy with striking red eyes and white hair.

"I must admit the pink haired one put up a fight." With that Mai snapped her hand open revealing a red flame, the boy smirked and raised his hand. Water drifted from the river and surrounded Mai, swallowing her whole. Mai struggled inside, her eyes shut tightly.

"Mai!" Lucy screamed standing up, the one clothed in black stood in front of her raising his hand. Lucy froze, her heart feeling cold.

"Make one move and I'll kill you." He told the blonde haired girl. Lucy balled her fists feeling pathetic and weak. Mai's eyes snapped open and she screamed, ignoring the water filling her lungs. The water bubble broke and the red flames absorbed the droplets that came from it causing it to turn into blue flames that surrounded Mai.

"Mai! Lucy!" Damon ran towards them and he quickly noticed the three strangers, seeing Natsu the boy quickly grew enraged. His eyes snapped towards the black hooded figure in front of Lucy. He raised his hand and the figure fell to the floor, crimpling in pain.

"What fun, a banshee, a fire element and a blood element." The boy clothed in the blue cloak mused, the women beside him chuckled lightly. "Don't you think this is a interesting team sister?" He asked the women beside him.

"Indeed it is brother." With that the two disappeared leaving the dead one alone. Mai quickly fell to her knees tired from using her energy. Damon was about to run over but she shook her head pointing at Natsu. Damon ran over to the pink haired boy and Lucy who was trying to stop his bleeding. Damon settled his hand on Natsu side, where the bleeding was happening.

"He should've been dead by now." Damon whispered. "He's a fighter though, so he should be ok." He told Lucy who was gripping his hand tightly. Mai slowly walked over and set her hand on Damon's shoulder. Damon glanced at her and she smiled softly.

"Luce?" The three friends looked down to see Natsu slowly opening his eyes. Lucy smiled through her tears and hugged him gently. "You didn't think I would die that quickly did ya?"

"I love you Natsu." Lucy spoke up still hugging him, the pink haired boy's eyes widened. Damon and Mai simply watched the two.

"I love you too Luce." He answered back.

"Ha you owe me 20 dollars Damon!" The four teenagers turned to see Gray and Juvia coming from the forest.




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