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New Year's Eve 2013

Age: 23

I checked my hair and make-up in my compact mirror, ensuring that I didn't look bedraggled and annoyed. Grunting at my sweaty appearance, I stuffed the compact mirror in my bag. I then stomped through the doors to the function room.

I hated long-distance, solo car journeys. The long, unaccompanied hours. Ratty drivers who seriously needed anger management. The hours of traffic that seemed to go on forever. And it was even worse on New Year's Eve. Combined, all these reasons made driving one of the most annoying ways to spend my time.

But all the anger cleared away as soon as my boyfriend cradled me in his arms. I was — quite literally — swept off my feet.

"I've missed you so much," Robert commented into my shoulder. He then placed a passionate kiss on my lips. "How was it?"

"Great thanks," I replied. "Everything seems to be working out fine."

After winning the art competition, one of the biggest galleries in London displayed my artwork. Someone big in the art world spotted one of my pieces, and they wanted to order more. Enough so that it could fill a whole exhibition. It was insane, but I couldn't refuse the opportunity. The owners put so much faith in me and they wanted me to help oversee the whole proceedings.

I had been down in London for the past few days, sorting out last-minute touches. It was all panic stations as the exhibition was due to open in a couple of days. I was more than happy to go down and help — although I would miss Robert like crazy — as long as I was able to go home for New Year's Eve.

We had been running late down in the gallery, which wasn't a massive surprise; nothing ever ran on time. So, I had to get changed there and make the typically four-hour drive back in the quickest time possible. Hence the reason I had come back irritable and looking a little worse for wear.

"I worried you wouldn't make it," Robert told me, with a concerned expression in his pretty eyes. Those eyes still captured me, even after all this time.

"I'd never miss this for the world and you know it." I grinned before standing on my tiptoes and placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Of course." Robert smiled. He then grabbed my hands and yanked me towards the dance-floor. "Come on, let's dance."

I rolled my eyes, but let him lead me around the dance floor. The songs blasting through the speakers were up tempo, so we danced around like children. You could make us go through university and give me my own art exhibition, but put on a catchy song and I would never act my age. Everyone should have known that by now, so I had no idea why we received so many funny looks. I shrugged them off and continued dancing.

Before I knew it, the buffet was open and — as per usual — we both stuffed our faces before getting up to dance again. I'd never laughed so much in my life, and it cemented the fact that I was totally and utterly in love with Robert. I would be in love with him for the rest of my life. Despite our hardships, we had come out of them stronger than ever before. We wouldn't have been so in love if those things hadn't tested our relationship.

The slow dances came, and we were one of the first couples to find our place on the dancefloor. Both of my parents joined us, dancing in time to the music and I had to suppress a coo. It was great to see my parents still so in love after years of marriage. I only hoped Robert and I could be as strong and sustained as that if we eventually got married.

The slow dances eventually came to an end, and we all had to make our way outside. I was reluctant to pull myself away from the warmth of Robert's embrace and lead him outside. Robert was behind me the whole way. He hugged me to his chest as if he sensed I was going to get cold. It was like he was warming me up before the chilly winter air hit me.

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