"I knew she was tried," Angel says

"She was, but once she put her earphones in and listened to German lullabies she was out," Parker says

"Then, how do you?" Angel asks

"You do this here, take her earphones out," Parker says Angel does, "You say Guten Morgen Vietnam!" Parker pretty much yells into Kate's ears (Good Morning Vietnam)

"Ahh hab Erbarmen," Kate says waking up (Ahh have mercy)

"Haha that was funny," Angel says laughing

"Ich Hoffe, dass Sie in der Hölle brennen," Kate says, then Parker laughs and gives Kate a fist bump. ('I hope you burn in hell')

"What did she say?" Angel said getting mad

"That can be said later I'll make pancakes," Jo says changing the topic and standing up "I took a class of German in high school" She whispered in Kate's ear

"I'll help," Jen says Emma nods, and they follow Jo to the kitchen.

20 minutes later-

"These are delicious pancakes," Parker says

"Thanks," Jo, Emma, and Jen say in unison, then they laugh. Emma reaches for her water and accidentally touches the hot syrup making it ice.

"Oops sorry," Emma says sadly

"Hey, it's ok sis look," Pyro says he puts his hand on the gravy boat (there using it for syrup), and it goes from icy and cold to warm and sticky. "See its all good," He says she smiles

"So wait, you two are brother and sister?" Jo asks

"Twins actually," They say at the same time

"Never could have guessed but I can see it," Jo says eating her pancakes

"It's ok it happens a lot," Emma says

Narrator: They finish eating and clean up once they are finished they put the beds back to couches and made the bed that faced the window. They talked for a while, and Jo got an idea.

"So you guys want to go out I know a place we can go," Jo says

"Sure sounds like fun," Pyro says

"Ok," Emma says

"This is going to be fun," Angel says

"I'm down," Jen says

"I think I'll stay here," Kate says

"Why?" Jo asks

"Look at me that's why," Kate says

"Kate, where I'm taking you, no one cares what you look like. Plus, you're beautiful come on say you're in. You won't regret it." Jo says

"I'm in as long as Parker is to," Kate says everyone looks at Parker

"Is it far?" Parker asks holding her crutches

"No, it's not," Jo says

"Ok, then I'm in, which means..." Parker trails off looking at Kate

"Mir gefällt" (I'm in too) Kate says

"Yes you are," Parker says

"Ok let's go, everyone, if we leave now we can get there by noon," Jo says looking at a clock

"Are we walking the whole way?" Parker says standing up on her crutches after checking her watch the time read 11:45 am

"It's only for 15 minutes. It's better to walk trust me. Now come on" Jo says

Narrator: Everyone else stands up they walk out the door, Jo closes and locks it they head to the elevator and go down they hit the streets and start walking 10 minutes later.

"Wait," Parker says stopping

"What is it?" Pyro asks by her side

"My shoulders hurt are we there yet?" Parker says

"Yeah I swear it's right around the corner," Jo says

"Here let me help Pyro hold on to her crutches for a minute," Emma says Pyro takes them holding them in one hand and helping her stand with the other "Ok now relax," Emma says she puts her hands on Parker's shoulders after a minute she takes them off "Feel better?" Emma asks

"Actually, yeah, how did you do that?" Parker asks taking her crutches back from Pyro

"Cold heals come on," Emma says, smiling they keep walking.

"Here we are," Jo says after five more minutes of walking

"Is this a club?" Emma asks

"Yeah, you're going to love it," Jo says, opening the door for them. Everyone walks inside.

The end of chapter bye 1287

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