Chapter 1: Wrath

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Heat scorching and pure agonized screams waft around the walls of Satan’s level of hell. Ira felt the corners of her lips curve upward in to a cold and sadistic smile. She had gotten used to the extreme heat and agonizing screams long ago. Unfortunately or rather fortunately for the souls damned in this level of hell it didn’t last long because after a minute the cold and sadistic smile turned in to a bored frown. Ira wasn’t one to waste time so she left the souls to suffer and pick up the new souls to be damned to be tortured for all of eternity.

None of them could escape it. This was their punishment for their sin. Wrath was what caused their downfall. What pain they caused others when they were living was being paid in hell. She knew. She was Satan’s subordinate demon around here so she knew a lot of things. That’s right, she is a demon. Though, she wasn’t a demon from birth. She was once human like the once being tortured by means of dismemberment. She once had a husband, a child and a family. Ira shook her head forgetting the memories.

It was almost too easy to forget her old life. Time was a factor too. Last time she checked Earth it was about the 21st century by now and she died during the 15th century. She was young when she died so remained in the body she died in.

When Ira thought about it she was about the age of eighteen when she died. Yes eighteen. In the modern century people would think that was too young but in her time it was quite the contrary. That was too old to not be married yet. She was engaged to a man she never loved at the age of fourteen then got married to him in a few months. The only thing good about her marriage was that she married a masochist.She could hurt him and he wouldn’t complain but beg for more pain. Ira never knew the man had harbored feelings for her because it seemed almost impossible with her extremely wrathful personality.

To think about it her wrathful personality wasn’t entirely her fault because her own mother had something to do with it. From birth she was prophesized to become what she was now…a demon. Her mother struck a deal with a devil that she would have eternal beauty and power in exchange for her first born daughter’s soul eternally damned to be a demon. Ira’s own mother didn’t even hesitate to answer a yes. That was why when Ira was born she was named Ira; her mother knew she would grow up to be cold and wrathful.

A single glance at her queer and demonic red eyes could prove it. No one could look her in the eyes without cowering in fear. Her eyes were like freshly shed blood oozing out of a person’s veins. They were brilliant, inhuman and intimidating. Everything about her was like that.

Her hair cascaded down like fine silk towards her waist. It was straight and was deadly black like a void of emptiness, her skin as white as the finest porcelain doll and her lips a natural hue of red making her pearly white teeth whiter in comparison but in a daunting way. She was beautiful but not in a good way. That was the reason boys didn’t want to marry her. She was feared but also secretly lusted by men. In a way a man’s lust and the effects of her wrath to others also caused her death.

She remembers her death very well. It was pretty easy to remember because it was one of the most disgusting things she remembered. A man who lived from a nearby went to her town. While she was taking her routine stroll around town the man saw her and was immediately enticed by her intimidating beauty. He never knew his sister’s tormentor was this beautiful. At first he came to the kingdom Ira was from because he was there to bring justice to his sister’s embarrassment and pain by killing Ira in convenient ways like stabbing or drowning but after seeing Ira he got a better idea that would please him more. He was going to rape her.

Following Ira until she reached a little bit near the forest, he followed on with his plan. Ripping her gown and cutting her skin as he did what he wanted to her body. Of course Ira wouldn’t take that kind of treatment so she fought back with great will but since she had been bleeding badly she was weak. She was helpless.

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