Years l8er like

9 1 1

Guys I've been dead to you guys and alive to my library, The Pilot and Creatures.

So here I am not for a book renewal nor for a shoutout I'm here for u guys.

Winter break is coming and I have hella tests cuz its my last week. I even have a ice cream social that I doubt I'd go to since I don't "meet the requirements"

And my ELA teacher was gone for two days and we had this sub.

Oh my gosh.

So we get out of school at 2:20 right, so her dumbass gon' talk for the little time we have left then let us go to our lockers at 2:19.

And bitch let me tell you I was rushing to get out of satan's dungeon.

And She did that two days in a row and the last one was a Friday. Boi best believe I was clawing my way to my bus.

I was so PO

Well anyway it's Sunday I'm procrastinating and might as well drop out now #Shethoughtshewasfinished

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