{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [10]

Start from the beginning

“The next few months? Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I blushed immediately realizing my mistake. Thank god it had been in front of Brian. Not that he was thicker than Matt but Brian didn’t have kids and neither did any of his siblings so it wasn’t like pregnancy would jump to his mind. Matt on the other hand had a little nephew who was just eighteen months old. That was part of the reason why I wasn’t going to wait to tell them. Either Zacky or Johnny would spill the beans or Matt would figure it out so there wasn’t any point in waiting to long.

“Are you sure you shouldn’t be in the hospital? You look a little flushed?”

“Are you sure you are paying attention to the road?” I snapped. Then I sighed. “Sorry, yes I’m fine. I just really don’t want to reveal anything until tomorrow ok?”


“By the way…”


“Did Michelle happen to say anything about Val and Matt fighting?”

He grimaced. “Yeah, and we almost ended up fighting too.”

“Why what’s up?”

“Val wants to start a family. Matt’s holding off.”

“They aren’t even married yet,” I said feeling a bit of anxiety.

“That’s what Matt said and I agree. Unfortunately Val thinks they shouldn’t wait since it’s getting so close to the big day anyway.”

“And Michelle is siding with her sister?”

“Well no, with Matt actually.”

“I know you aren’t siding with Val like you said so why were you and Michelle fighting.”

“Because we are married and have been married….”

“And no family…” I said before biting my lip. Maybe this lunch idea wasn’t a good idea.

“Yeah, it’s not that I don’t want one but like Matt said. It’s bad timing. You know we are finishing up a record and then there’s the tour to do.”

“So are you guys still fighting?” I asked as we pulled into the Sullivan’s driveway. Brian shut the car off and we unbuckled before getting out.

“Not now but it took a couple hours last night before Michelle would see my point. I’m not trying to be selfish but when we do start a family I want to be there to go through it with her every step of the way you know? I don’t want to be out on the road not knowing if there is complications or if she’s needing something. Matt feels the same way but I think it’s also more than that.”


“Not my place to say.”


We knocked on the door.

“You know how the wedding is only three months away right?”


“Matt still hasn’t been fitted for his tux.”

My mouth was hanging open as Jimmy’s mom answered the door.

“Hello Brian…..and Katie! What a wonderful surprise! Brian didn’t mention you were coming.” She pulled me close into a hug and then released me stepping back to take a good look at me. I could see a question forming in her eyes and I remembered what Linds had said this morning about some women especially if they were mother’s themselves being able to tell when a woman was pregnant. Nervously I looked between her and Brian.

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now