mom,dad meet Catherine_22

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"Really? "

"Yes all we need to do is simple"

"Catherine you have been such a good student and you learn quickly"my tutor said with a smile

"Thank you mam"I replied

"I guess we are done,you should vist once or twice a month, I'm really going to miss you"

"Thank you very much"I said leaving

I got out of my tutor office,Fiona stood at the door waiting for me "are you done ?"

"Yes lets leave,i need to go home"

"Okay,i have to get tomatoes from the market "

"Dont bother,let's go the farm at the back of my house and get them"

She smiled "Thank you"

"Dont mention, what are freinds for?"I sat on my bicycle "let's go

Fiona sat on the backseat,we rode towards the direction of my house when I accidentally bumped into an old lad,i quickly came down"oh no,what have I done?"I saod moving closer to her

She groaned in pain "young lady can't you see?you almost hit me with your bicycle "

"Am so sorry,forgive my manners am sorry"

"I will never forgive you"

"What I'm sorry please "

"You do not have pity for old people,i can't get up you almost broke my limbs"

Fiona moved closer to her "forgive us mam,we are so sorry "

"Okay only on one can condition"she said staring at me

I looked at Fiona "this is not good"

"What did you say?"the old lady yelled

"No,i ,eant what's the condition"

"Okay,you have to take me home and promise to take care of me for five days"

"What? I don't even know you"I stated looking confused

"You do not know me yet you bumped into me"

"I'm sorry I bumped into but if...."

"No ifs and definitely no buts"

"Catherine just accept it,she seems nice"Fiona said

"Okay granny I will take you home and take care of you for five days"

"Wow!you called me granny,my grandson always call me that"she says with a smile

"Okay that's good,let's leave now granny"

She took my hand and placed it on her head"do you promise?"

I stared at her "Yes granny I do,i promise,shall we leave now?"

"Yes but you never asked where I live?"

"Am sorry where do you live?"

She stood up "I live in the palace"

"What?in the palace? No wonder you looked royalty"

"Any problem?"she asked

"No granny but what were you doing all alone along this path"

"I was strolling at the palace garden,i don't know how I got here"

"Okay granny I will take you home"

Fiona moved closer to me whispering in my ears "what are you doing?"

"Fiona I promised,its bad to break a promise"

"Hurry up,I'm sure you know the way to the palace.I'm starving I need to have lunch"

"Okay granny lets leave now"

Few minutes later we arrived at the palace "queen cassie,Prince jidenna have been looking for you all over the garden"a guard said

The call of jidenna's name sent shiver running down my spine,the call of his name reminded me of that kiss"jidenna"I accidentally called his name loudly

"Uh huh do you know him,he is I'm grandson,my handsome grandson"

"Yes I have heard of him"

"Yes yes,everyone has heard of him,you need to see his soon to be bride.she is so beautiful i can't wait for them to get married"

The expression on my face changed,i felt jealous"granny we should go in now"I said ignoring her words

"I'm leaving now"Fiona saod leaving

😀😀😀😀😀😀😀hope you all loved it?😂😂
Jidenna grandmother is such a drama queen isn't she?☺☺😁😁😁😁😁😂😃😁💟💟

MOM,DAD MEET CATHERINE Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang