Phan sickfic

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It was a Sunday at around noon, and even Dan was awake and at his sofa crease, trying to pay attention to tumblr but failing because something wasn't right.

He was cold.  The room felt oddly empty and there was no tea waiting for him in the kitchen that morning.

It was Phil.  Phil was missing.  By this time Phil was usually cuddled up next to Dan occasionally glancing up at Dan's screen to see what he was looking at, but that day he wasn't there.

Dan stood, deciding to head into Phil's room to check on him.  Dan found the door closed, but thankfully not locked.  He peeked into Phil's room to see the older boy curled up into a tight ball on his bed, in his green hoodie that he would always wear when he was sick.

"Phil?" Dan said softly, slowly going further into the bedroom.  Phil lifted his head to look towards the door.

"Hi Dan." Phil answered back, his voice hoarse and hushed.  Dan looked at Phil with more concern than before as he went further into the room and eventually sat down on the bed next to his boyfriend.

"Phil, do you feel okay?" Dan asked, putting the palm of his hand over Phil's forehead, which was releasing a surprisingly large amount of heat.

"No, I'll be fine though, I promise." Phil answered, beginning to sit up only to be pushed back down, gently of course, by Dan.

"Are you cold?" Dan asked, keeping one hand on the paler-than-normal boy's shoulder.  Phil nodded.  Dan quickly pulled the covers up to Phil's chin and slipped under the sheets next to him.

"You're gonna get sick..." Phil warned warily, although he made no efforts to move from Dan's grip as the younger of the two pulled Phil to his chest.  Phil just closed his eyes and let Dan's body heat soothe him, before finally drifting off.

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