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i just passed by yet another another fight on mdc (No surprise there). 

You see, Im a quiet person and I try not to get involved with the drama but that doesn't mean I don't make fun of it. And I have seen alot of fights, specially ones about stealing codes. 

But I just recently stalked an argument about stealing examples. Examples!? 

People are lazy. I get that. But I have never seen anyone lazy enough not to make her own examples. And stupid enough to think that people are not going to notice. Specially since she stole examples from popular designers. Like seriously? get your own. and get this, she even denied it. this is how it went:

"Would you please close this thread or change the examples since those graphics are not yours." 

"No Bitch. These are mine you filthy whore." 

I'm not even over exaggerating. and guess what? The covers even had big-ass watermarks on them. 

If she got shot, i wouldn't even blame the shooter. Just saying. 

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