Chapter Six

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Parent's pov: Time Traveled

Two week's/twenty minutes ago!

"Wait Mom, don't you want to know what today's history exam was?"my daughter asked

Suddenly Ares stepped on something and the wall exploded I screamed as he was thrown into me and the phone crashed into the wall and smashed the line probably cut out!

I screamed as we went through the  hole and sucked into a vortex that was there and traveled very short time before getting tossed out!

We rolled down a hill!

"Gabrielle are you ok?"Ares asked helping me up after we stopped rolling.

"That Depends where are we and where is that purple thing we were tossed out of after being pulled into it?"I asked

"Honey you have blood on your head and that is a good question because I've never seen this place before and I like that light purple dress your wearing!"Ares said

"Well look at you prince charming!"I said laughing

We kissed briefly before being interrupted by a couple horses!

"Hello Royal traveller's are you heading from Camelot or to the circle of stone to see the sword stuck in a stone itself or are you looking for the true lovers gardens in which I can give you a lift?

"Leave them be George they are only having a walk to the pond of Lilly's!"a Knight said

"Wait Sir did you say Camelot?"Ares said

"Perhaps you and the Lady better climb aboard this wagon and I take you to Camelot to have the Ladies head tended to for it looks like she had a great fall!"the Knight said getting down and helping me into the wagon.

"Dear Knight do you have a name I can present you by to give proper thanks to?"I said

"Name is Drake ma'am I'm a high Royal guard of King Arthur and I am a Knight of the round table!"Drake said pulling his helmet off to show short brown hair and soft Green eyes!

"And the pleasure is all mine ma'am!"he said kissing my hand before putting the helmet on again and getting up into the seat and urged the horses to move with a slight whip from the reigns!

We reached the castle gates an hour later I must be concussed because I was starting to fall asleep and actually leaning sideways!

"Mind explaining Ma'am how you hurt your head!"Drake asked me

"We were in Egypt we're researchers and we also excavated a tomb in Egypt of King Tut! The wall exploded and she hit her head as we were tossed out of a portal!"Ares said for me

"I was talking to my kids before the..."I said passing out

An Egyptian PrincessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя