Capter Four

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Jeff's pov: The perfect decision

My sister stood up and curtsied and they did the same and the man bowed!

"I understand you are here to sell your eldest daughter?"Nara aka Arimnukna asked

"Yes Princess we offer you our greatest blanket!"the woman said holding a baby!

Suddenly the baby coughed and started fussing!

"May I see the wee little one Por favor?"Nara said

"Yes!" She said handing the baby over to her!

Me and Durakna and the real Arimnukna rushed forward at her nod!

"Durakna go to the kitchens and ask the staff for some herbal tea Luke warm this baby's not well a high fever and its throat is a bit swollen it needs some tea and servant girl please go fetch some cool water! Mam do you have a bottle for the baby?"Nara asked

The lady handed Durakna the baby bottle!

The two took off and I stood there!

I cleared my throat! "What would you have me do princess?"I asked

"Ah yes Jeff go fetch some blankets!"Nara said and I immediately ran off!

"Bruce fetch a tailor and ask he make this baby some comfortable clothes!"she said

I come back with two blankets very furry inside!

We removed the scratchy blanket and wrapped the baby in both soft blankets!

Nara takes a seat with the baby on the throne!

Durakna came in a few minutes later then Arimnukna with a bowl of water and a cloth!

Arimnukna wrung the cloth out and handed it to me and I placed it on the babies head!

It fussed for a bit! Then Nara gave it the bottle after a few minutes!

"Princess you called us in?"the guy said

"Oh yes I'm sorry I forgot Durakna please tell the guy and his wife our offer while I tend to the child!"Nara said

"We came to the decision to ask you instead of selling your eldest daughter you take your place here instead and work for my sister Ari!"Durakna said

"But sire that is not the normal laws it says anybody who has an elder child and another coming on the way or already born that we shall take rations and money if we fail to do so we will be sold into slavery sire!"the man said

"Sir we are now changing that rule anybody who needs more for sustenance we will offer solutions instead of this old current rule! As Princess and Queen in two weeks I make the demand and I will change the rule to allow less than fortunate people a spot to earn what they need and if they have elder children they have the right to pick whatever suits them as well as the parents!" Nara said getting up and handing the lady her baby back and had Bruce show them to the palaces bedrooms!

"Sire I know I'm just a fresh guard but who was it that put the order that the eldest child be sold in order for what they need?" I asked

"That was our father's idea under the suggestion of our uncle before our father mysteriously died right after my sister took the throne!"Durakna said as Nara sat back down!

Suddenly somebody ran in and hopped behind the throne!

"Say you haven't seen me or this Princess will regret her decision!"said the man who looked quite tired

"Or you can just go lie down!"I said

"What?"the tired man said

"Hurry up and take my brother's advice enter through the guest bedroom! Go now or your dead for whatever crimes you did!"Nara said

"Ok fine!"he said and followed me into the room!

Then two more people entered as soon as I came out!

"Did you see the robber that went through here he stole a very valuable diamond?" one of them asked his brown eyes searching ours his brown hair cut short!

"Durakna show these gentlemen out of my quarters!"Nara said

"Yes sister!"Durakna said escorting the men out and saying they must make an appointment with the princess!

Me and Nara and Arimnukna all entered the chamber!

"This fellow fell fast sister as soon as he hit the pillows!"I said

"We bought him some time and he looks um we must tend to him!"Nara said

"I will fetch him a sandwich and a drink!"Arimnukna said

"Arimnukna this man looks like he hasn't eaten in days and worse I don't believe he stole anything! Because I sorta plucked his pockets! He was actually running away from a guy named oh here it is Warren! And look at those welts he's no thief except the 100 pounds I found in his purse most likely took it and ran from this man!"I said

"Jeffrey you commit a crime and we don't know when he'll wake up and we must tend to those welts and we need herbs!"Nara said

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