Chapter 2: Mystery Meeting

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Hello! Second chapter here ( '∀`)☆ I'm just going to take this time to let you know I might not be able to update regularly.. a student's life is difficult ಠ_ಠ anywhoo I hope you enjoy this chapter~

okiedokie Let's get started>>


Mari traipsed along the giant crack of the ice in worry for Elsa, but she was afraid of going any nearer, in case she fell. Minutes passed of the dismayed reindeer snorting and grunting in a way only reindeer could until she gave herself a little shake, reprimanding herself for not going to help her friend. Mari edged her hoof forward like she was testing the temperature of bathwater. Pause... safe. She inched her other hoof after the first after a second of waiting. Suddenly, a chunk of solidifying snow broke off from the mass, sending Mari crying and hurrying back away from the crevice.

"Mari?" Elsa's voice floated up to Mari's ears from valley in front of her, "Where are you?"

She perked up her ears and huffed enthusiastically, bounding to the edge of the crevice, her fear forgotten.

Elsa squinted into the now bright skies from the split-second snow cushion she had made at the bottom of the crevice, "Who is that next to you, Mari?"

Mari cocked her head in confusion. There's no one next to me, she thought.

Elsa blinked. She couldn't be seeing right. Mari's antlers couldn't have gone through that person!

From what Elsa could make out, the person, now crouching, had pale, pale skin, short white hair, and was wearing a blue type of sweater. They also seemed to be carrying some kind of hooked staff.

"He's right there, right next to you," Elsa insisted.

Mari frowned (if reindeer could frown) but, nonetheless, turned to look. She jerked back in surprise, this man hadn't been there before! He grinned and gave her a little wave, causing Mari to collapse onto her hind legs in shock.

She was so shocked, that she didn't notice herself slowly sliding toward the crevice until she was scrabbling for a hold.

"Woah," the stranger laughed, "Careful there." A powerful whoosh of wind swept around Mari, causing her hair to wave and ripple. She was floating on air! More accurately, the air was holding her up, like a cushion in the sky. Something was strange though; this air felt comfortable even though Mari could tell that it was whirling so fast that it picked up the snow nearby. It also felt... familiar? She stared at the pale man, her snort demanding him to place her back onto solid ground.

He laughed again, "Okay, okay. You're a pushy one."

Peering down at Elsa, he called, "Do you also need help?"

Elsa shook herself out of the stupor she had fallen into from witnessing her reindeer floating dozens of feet directly above her. "No," she snapped, for some reason feeling annoyed at this mystery man, "I'll be fine."

She brushed the snow off of her travel pants and looked around for something that she could use to climb up. I can do that, right? Climb up? She glanced up at the daunting task ahead of her. ...Maybe.

At last, she found suitable cracks and ridges that seemed to go up the the lip of the crevice, so she wedged her hands and feet to begin her climb.

It seemed to be going well until "Oof!" Elsa gasped when she lost her hold and flopped back onto the snow at the bottom.

The man laughed, "Are you sure you don't need help?"

Elsa blew her pale blonde hair out of her face, "Yes, I am sure that I don't need help from you."

Something Worth Melting For (Elsa x Jack Frost)Where stories live. Discover now