Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Ohhhhhh, shiny! Is that a ring or a necklace? Or is it just a shiny rock? It's in the road, but I don't see any cars, so I'd better take it quickly!

As soon as I picked up the shiny thing - a rather pretty silver hair clip - I heard a car swerve into the road and I knew no more.


Where am I? Of course my first thought has to be a question, why wouldn't it be? Dang it, I just asked another question! Wait, I'm just a bit off topic here. Back to what I was wondering, where on Earth am I?

As I looked around, I noticed that first of all, I'm covered with something white, secondly, it's wet, and thirdly, I have wings! I look at my new features closely, my wings are pitch-black and look like they belong on a raven. I attempt to stand up. First realisation, it's hard to stand with wings. Second realisation, I have a fluffy, white tail! My new tail looks a bit like a wolf tail, but I can't be positive. I scratch my head as I stare at my new features. But there's something blocking me. I feel around my hair for a bit, only to discover that I have cat ears! At least, that's what they feel like. I look down at the rest of my body, trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have animal features. And guess what? There's more! I also have claws on my hands and feet! And I'm naked. Wait, not completely naked, I have . . . Scales?! I have silver snake scales scattered across my legs, abdomen, and arms! I feel me face, trying to feel for any scales that may be there. Nope. Good. On the other hand, I don't have my glasses on, and I can see better than I ever have in my life! I need a mirror. I look around my surroundings a bit more. Okay, so, the wet, white stuff is snow. Also, I think that it's the middle of the night, and I'm laying on the side-walk

I try to stand again, this time having much more luck now that I'm more awake than the first time I tried. I zone-out while looking at my new wings, only looking in front of my in time to see a late night jogger run through me. It felt awful! It was like the jogger was made of fire! Well than, I'm a combination of multiple animals, I have wings, being walked through feels awful, and I'm invisible. Great. I think as I dodge another jogger. I wave my hands in front of said jogger as he takes a break from his run.

Reassured that I am, in fact, invisible, I sneak/run into the nearest clothing store. What? Just because I'm invisible doesn't mean I want to run around naked! I browse for a bra first. Huh, I must have grown a bit in the breasts, I was could never fit into a c-cup before! Next, I find a nice pair of emerald underwear, a beautiful teal tank-top, that I have to tear in the back for my wings to fit, and a pair of black shorts. I don't think I'll be able to wear socks or shoes, since I have claws on my feet. It's not like I need them anyway, I walked bear-foot for a couple blocks before I reached this place, and my feet feel just fine. On the other hand, I was able to run on the ice because of my claws! Satisfied with my outfit, I jogged home. Mom must be worried sick about me!

When I finally reach my house, I realise something. I'm invisible to people on the street, and the same rule apparently applies to family as well, considering that Cody, my brother, just walked pass me without saying hi, which he always does. Wait, has he been crying?! His eyes are red and he's got tear streaks on his cheeks! I quickly squeeze through the door as he opens it, sure that a door opening and closing on its own would cause my parents to have a heart attack.

I follow my brother into the living room, and see Mom laying on the couch, clutching a picture in her hand as she cries her eyes out. I stand there stunned, while my brother quickly runs to her with tears streaming down his face again. As they hug, I glimpse the picture that Mom was holding. It's a picture of me grinning in front of a roller-coaster. I remember when that picture was taken, we had gone to the amusement park for my sister's birthday, and my mom snuck a photo of me as I teased Cody about being scared of a ride. But why is my mom and brother crying?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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