THUN THUN THUN! Dinner time! And... my lucky strike?-Chapter 10

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Marispcarvalho! Thank you so much for your comments! ;) 

So... i couldn't wait and since i can't sleep... i wrote this now! It's my fav chapter actually... 


ONLY LISTEN TO THE SONG ON THE MEDIA CONTENT WHEN I SAY IT PLEASE! When i think of the word "sexy" i think about the Maroon 5's song "Lucky Strike"!

So! Here you have it! 


I went to Forever 21 and saw some cute stuff and bought them!

I saw this perfect dress at this store but now i can’t recall her name...

It was a white kind of prom dress with this poufy skirt and shiny bustier.

It was cute...

I found these amazing Nike Air Force 1 sneakers that i totally fell in love with them... but they didn’t combine with the dress... but i bought them...

Then i saw white low converse! I loved them so much and they matched perfectly with the dress.

I bought them too!

Then i went to a makeup shop and the owner of the store was shocked when she saw me.

-Oh lord! You’re Brooklyn from that show... uhm... The Real Fangirls!

-Ye... –i smiled awkwardly-

-My daughter loves you! Could you please sign something for her?

-Sure! –i smiled happily cause i had a fan! I HAD A FAN! BROOKLYN HARRINGTON HAS A FAN!-

She gave me a piece of paper and i signed it.

-Thank you so much!

-You’re welcome! Does your daughter have a twitter account?

-Oh... just give me a minute please...

-Okay... –i was going to by some makeup but it ended up with me signing something for that lady’s daughter-

-She has! It’s @Super1DFanForever

I searched for it on twitter and followed the girl whose name was Emily.

-Tell Emily she can DM me when she wants!

Her mom told her and i could hear was little screams that came through the phone... her mom hanged up.

-I’m sorry...

-No problem! Uhm... i was looking for some makeup... I’m not the type of girl who fancy’s makeup but i like just a bit of eyeliner and mascara...

-Oh! You’re the type of girl who likes to look natural... i have a thin eyeliner and a mascara that makes your eyelashes look perfect!

She picked up these little packages of eyeliner and mascara and gave them to me.

I took the money off and gave it to her.

-Thank you so much! Come back when you need makeup!

-Thank you! I’ll come!

I went to starbucks and just chilled out for one hour before a couple of fans came up to me and asked for pictures and autographs.

I kinda enjoyed being famous... It was cool...


I went to our house and placed the bags in my room.

Harry was going to pick me up by 8:30 PM.

FLASHING LIGHTS | ONE DIRECTIONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin