Chapter 38

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---1 week later---

I'm late. My periods late. Again. I don't think I could be.... No. I can't. Harry and I only did it once. Maybe I should see for myself.


I came home from a show at 2 in the morning. I slowly walked up the stairs to Angelika's room. She's still not living with me so I thought I could surprise her.

She lay asleep in bed, peacefully. Mumbles of nothingness escaping her slightly parted lips. I layed down next to her gently making sure she doesn't wake up.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep with my baby in my arms. Happy......

I woke up hours later at 10 o'clock. Angelika not in my arms. I always wondered how she got out of bed without me noticing. But I did hear the coffee maker going so she must be down stairs.

I went in the bathroom and started up my shower. I finished about half an hour later. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I saw out of the corner of my eye a pinkish-blue box in the trash can. I picked it up. It was a pregnancy test. Why would there be a pregnancy test box in the garbage.

Then I saw on the counter, the pregnancy test. I looked at it. No.... It can't be...... That's impossible.....


I grabbed a pen and pad and wrote Harry a note saying I'll be back in a couple of hours.

I picked up my keys and left. 10-20 minutes later I got to the doctors office. When I got inside, they immediately brought me into the office.

First, they took some blood. Then, they had me do a pee test, or pee in a cup. Ugh gross.... Then they brought me in the ultra sound room.

"So......." The doctor entered the room, put on gloves, pulled my shirt up, and put the very cold gel on my stomach.

"Yeah....." I sighed.


How could she not tell me? I mean it's just wow! Not expected!

I went in the room and changed. Then I went downstairs expecting to see Angelika sitting at the table drinking coffee. Instead I found a note on the counter saying she'll be back and breakfast is on the stove.

I grabbed the warm breakfast, sat at the table and ate. I ate very slowly still thinking about what I found in the bathroom. How could she be pregnant? That's impossible. That would make her 3 months pregnant because it has been you know 3 months since we........ Well you know........ Had sex.....

Angelika a mother? Me a dad? I just, we aren't even married. We just got back together after 4 years...

--Half an hour later--

I heard Angelika pull into the drive way. Should I talk to her about it? Or should I wait till I feel it's the right time?

I heard the door unlock and in came Angelika.

"Oh good morning Harold." She smiled and closed the front door.

"Good morning, babe." I stood up and kissed her nose.

She giggled and set her keys on the table and emptied out her pockets of her wallet, phone, iPod, and earbuds.

She then sat on the couch and put on the tv.

I sat next to her. "Angelika? Is there anything you're not telling me?"

"No. I don't think so. Why?" She asked and turned to look at me.

"Oh I was just wondering."

She turned and looked back at the tv. I put my arm around her. I think I'll just wait.

----4 Days Later----

Today. Today I'll talk to her about it. I can't hold it in much longer. I need to know.


I woke up this morning very anxious. My doctor had called telling me, my results were in the mail.

I drank my coffee, got up and grabbed the mail keys.

"Where you going?" Harry asked me in his sexy raspy morning voice. I wanted to kiss him hard right here.

"Going to get the mail." I smiled and looked at him. He was naked....... I giggled.

I didn't realize I was staring. He smirked. "You like what you see?"

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. What are you going to do about it?" I smirked and put the keys in my pocket.

"I might do something..." He walked close to me and whispered in my ear seductively. "But not till later...... In the bedroom."

I giggled and headed out the door to get the mail. When I got back to the house, Harry was in the shower, so I could look at the results without the risk of him seeing them.

I opened the envelope very carefully. Scared out of my mind of what it might say.


I hopped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my waist and headed down stairs. Angelika sat on the couch crying.

"Babe? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

She looked up at me smiling. "I'm just so happy, Harry."

I walked over to her. "Why? What happened?"

She handed me a paper. At the very bottom it said negative for conceiving a baby. I felt as if I had just been stabbed in the stomach but also as if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm not pregnant! The pregnancy test was wrong!" She smiled excitedly.

"That's great Angelika." I half smiled.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's just- I saw the pregnancy test- and I thought we were going to be parents." I shrugged.

"Oh my god. I'm SO sorry baby. I know you've always wanted a baby girl. But it's not our time. I'm sorry." She smiled a bit and kissed my cheek.

"It's okay." I smiled back.

(A/N: Should I do a really detailed sex scene? For the next chapter? Vote for this chapter or comment for yes!)

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