"They're the Original twins. Just don't do anything until I get there. And whatever you do, do not anger them." The conversation ended abruptly.

Kol looked over to his sister clearly happy about this new development, "Well, dear, it seems as though we'll finally get a bit of action"

"It would appear so." She agreed with a smile.

After about five minutes the familiar vampire came into the Grill, beelining for the bar where Matt was waiting anxiously. They had a discussion quietly and although the twins could have effortlessly eavesdropped, they decided not to take all the fun out of it.

They got up and went to the bar, wanting to refill their now empty glasses. The pair made care of pretending that they hadn't noticed Damon and flagged down the teen who was clearly in on the whole 'vampires are real' secret. Though almost everyone knew in this damned town so it would hardly qualify as a secret anymore.

Their glasses were promptly filled by the blond. As Kol went to take his first sip, he took notice of the offensive smell coming from the amber liquid.

"Vervain." He hissed under his breath alerting his twin immediately.

Both of their eyes snapped to the nervous looking Salvatore and bartender at the other side of the bar. Kayla's gaze settled on her brother quickly, letting him know that she would take care of it.

She slowly got up, dink in hand, and started to approach the two people responsible for having spiked their drinks. Her dark eyes were glued on them, her face showed no trace of emotion. She could see the human fidget clearly very spooked at the sight of the advancing Original while the vampire plastered an infuriating smirk on his face, trying to hide his worry.

Before the two could react, Kayla had poured her drink down the vampire's back, the sizzling of his skin was like music to her ear. Damon hissed in pain, his vampiric face appearing briefly.

"It would appear that there has been a small mistake in our drinks." Kayla said with an innocent tone, "I trust that this will not occur again." She continued, her voice portraying the threat.

Matt visibly gulped before hastily nodding, knowing that a wrong move now would be deadly for many people. Damon apparently hadn't seen the memo because he only fixed a glare on the older, deadlier, creature.

Kol who had managed to near the small group without drawing their attention, clamped his large hand around the back of the Salvatore's neck, applying a bit more pressure than strictly needed.

"I suggest you show my lovely twin here a bit more respect, mate. And just so we are clear, yes, that is a threat." The eldest twin whispered dangerously into Damon's ear.

"Kol." The familiar warning tone interrupted any further violence that could ensue from the conversation.

"Elijah." Kayla and Kol greeted at the same time, never tearing their eyes away from the writhing men.

They all heard the Original sigh deeply, "Sister, brother, is it too much to ask of you to simply stay out of trouble for a day?"

The twins shared a humour filled look, "Well, brother dear, these two boys have just put vervain in our drinks for no reason other than to anger us." Kayla explained calmly.

This only served to irritate Elijah even more, "Mr Salvatore, Mr Donovan, I would expect you to know better than to purposely provoke anyone in my family." The unsaid 'especially the twins' didn't go unnoticed.

Elijah continued, "Kol, please let Mr Salvatore go, I do believe he has learned his lesson―"

"No, I really don't think he has." Kol interrupted his sibling.

"Please go back to the house, we are having a family meeting." Elijah ignored the interruption and simply continued as if Kol hadn't spoken.

At this both twins turned their heads towards their elder sibling, questioning him through their identical eyes.

Elijah knew that they didn't trust easily even when it concerned the family, "It is about the reunion of our family." He informed them.

They nodded to each other knowing that this didn't in any way mean they were over and stepped away from the two perpetrators, smirks replacing the anger that had just been on their faces.

"Have a good day, darlings." Kayla said to them before hooking her arm with her brother's, sauntering out of the Grill, Elijah quickly following behind.

The entire Mikaelson clan sat in the large parlor, all eyes on Elijah who had called for the meeting.

Said brother cleared his throat, "Brothers, sisters, I believe that in honour of our first reunion in over 900 years," to which Finn sent a glare to Klaus who in turn only smirked, not even pretending to be guilty, "We should have a ball to celebrate."

Some eyebrows shot up while others just stared at him clearly not believing his motive. While it was true that the Mikaelson's were known for their extravagant parties, there was, more often than not, a political play behind it. Like in this instance, to the ignorant humans attending it would be just as Elijah said, a reunion celebration, which isn't a total lie. But to the others who knew of the true nature of their family, they would see the the other reason of the gathering, The Mikaelson's were united again and they were there to stay, Mystic Falls was their home once more.

The Original Family, the most powerful family to walk the earth. On their own, they were all a force to be reckoned with, but together they were nearly unstoppable. And that was the whole point of the party, they were going to show their unity to those who had once opposed them.

Kayla and Kol having recently dealt with Damon Salvatore and Matt Donovan were all too happy to agree to this idea, "We will finally have a bit of action in this god-forsaken town!" Kol exclaimed, earning a smile from his twin and a warning look from both Elijah and Finn.

"As much as I hate to agree with Kol, I believe this is long overdue." Klaus pitched in.

Rebekah smiled at her siblings, "Well, you know me, I'm never one to turn down a good party."

All eyes fell on Finn, "I suppose that it is time we properly introduce ourselves to the inhabitants of this town." He agreed.

"It is settled then," Elijah said, "we will host this gathering friday evening, which gives us three days to prepare."

The family dispersed, leaving the twins alone in the room, "Promise me you'll save me a dance, bróðir." Kayla demanded. [Means 'brother' in Old-Norse]

"Anything for you my dýrr systir." The Old-Norse rolled off of his tongue. [Means 'dear sister' in Old-Norse]

Both twins were more than eager for the impending ball, knowing all too well that these kinds of gathering hosted by their family never did end without a bit of blood spilled.

"Do you fancy a bite to eat, Lala?" Kol asked.

A sadistic smirk spread on Kayla's lips, "I thought you would never ask, Olly."

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