Secrets Revealed

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*****Meko's P.O.V.*****

"I just came to check on you, but now that I think about it could we have a moment, Zero (i was so tempted to put Zeho right here xD)?" Yuki asked. Zero nodded, kissing my head before taking his leave, gently closing the door behind him.

Yuki slapped me and growled darkly.

"What the hell Yuki?!" I shouted not feeling Zero's presence by the door. "What was that for?"

By now I was close to tears. I had thought she was done wanting both Zero and Kaname all to herself. She slapped me harder this time and said in a low growl, "We talked about this Aratami. Zero and Kaname are both mine and if I catch you being all lovey-dovey with Zero again, I won't hesitate to humiliate you. Got it?"

I nodded as she walked out of the room. I curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out.

I can't believe that idiot's keeping me from Zero.

Then don't allow it. Take back what is rightfully yours.

Viper, you're not exactly helping because if I stoop to Yuki's level, Zero will probably hate me.

True, true. Then we just have to make sure Yuki gets caught. Ooooh! If you act lovey with Zero, she might ask you to meet her somewhere so she can humiliate you, but instead we- I mean you- can tell him to meet us there and then he'll walk in on it. Perfect plan, right.

With only one flaw though.

Which is?

What if that's what Yuki's expecting is to do? Wait... Doesn't the Headmaster have cameras in here recording Zero's every move to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.

Yeah, I think so. Why, do you have a devious plan?

Yeah, can you locate Zero quickly so I can show him the footage.

Sure give me a second.

I began sprinting to the headmasters office. Once I got there I burst in.

"So I,- Oh, Meko! You seem rushed! What appears to be the trouble?" Headmaster Cross asked as I leaned on his desk attempting to catch my breath. I stood next to that girl that Zero had at one time saved when she fell off the wall. I didn't know her too well so I had no clue what her name was.

"Uh, sorry. I need to talk to the headmaster alone real quick." I said.

"Of course it must be important. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Nadeshiko." Kaien said quietly dismissing her. After she was out of earshot, I began rambling about what Yuki did. 

"And that's why I need to see the security tapes in Zero's room."

"Alright I might be able to get them. Give me your phone." Kaien replied.

"Why?" I said.

Hurry up stupid! Zero's quickly approaching Kaien's office.

"Alright fine." I whined handing him my phone as Zero opened the door.

"Oh, Zero. I'll be just a second. Meko wanted the Wi-Fi password. She accidentally reset her phone and needs to get her music and things back."


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