Chapter 1

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Flashback (3 years ago)

"I love-" These two words I remembered coming out of Dean's mouth before the lights went off and the Impala went flying across the road as a semi truck collided into the front of the car. I remembered waking up to the smell of gas leaking out of the car and the sight of Dean being unconscious and unrecognizable from the crash. My heart stopped for a moment as I struggled to get out of the passenger seat, wanting to get Dean out of this mess as quickly as possible, but the front of the car was pressed up against my legs, making it hard for me to move. I must have already healed myself shortly after the collision as I didn't feel any physical pain, only the slow tearing apart of my heart when I struggled to get to Dean and wasting more time on getting him to where I could see if he was still alive. The thought of him being dead already made me sick. Once I finally made it out of my seat I went to pull him out of the car, seeing that he looked even worse.

"Dean... Dean!" My voice cracked while calling out his name, trying to see if he was able to hear me as he seemed to be alive. I was still able to sense his soul inside of his body. He wasn't gone completely. "Dean stay with me okay?" My hands were shaking as I fumbled the phone out of my pocket, immediately dialing 911. I didn't know where to start when the lady on the other side wanted me to explain my situation, all I could think of was that the man I was holding in my arms was moments from passing away.

After I explained the emergency, I immediately hung up and continued to talk to Dean, trying to get his soul not to leave his body until the ambulance was here to take care of him. There was not much I could do. I wanted to heal him, believe me I did, but I was too weak to use my powers at that time. There wasn't much I could do except to hope and pray that Dean was going to make it through.

Once the ambulance arrived, the EMT's rushed to my side, pulling me away from Dean so they could do their work and keep him alive until the doctors at the hospital would take over. It was hard for me to let go of him, fearing that this would be the last time I might get to hold him again. I didn't want to think of it, but the thought of him being gone forever felt like a slow but torturous feeling of my heart being torn apart.

I couldn't lose him. I couldn't.

After the ambulance had left with Dean, I was asked a couple of questions by the police, wanting to know how I found him, if we had some sort of relationship, or if I was the one who had hit him as the actual vehicle who had hit the car didn't stop to help us and wasn't around, and many, many more obnoxious questions. Obviously I couldn't tell him that I was in the Impala with Dean when the accident happened. I didn't look physically hurt. No scars. No bruises. Nothing.

How would I explain to him that I was an Angel?

I wouldn't. That's the point. So my explanation to the officer was that I had found him on the side of the road as I had made my way home from work. I was too worried to think of something else other than how Dean was doing.

Once the officer had left, and I was finally able to leave, I immediately called Sam as I made my way towards the hospital. I had to walk my way down there but I'd rather do that than to drive, fearing I would be the reason for another accident with me not being able to concentrate and crying the life out of myself.

"Sam..." My voice was dry and shaky as I was struggling to explain the current situation to Sam. Tears were pouring down my cheeks and the words to all of this were missing. Sam had seemed to noticed that something was up when I didn't answer him back as he shouted my name over the phone multiple times.

"Dean...I...he's..." I looked up at the night sky, calling out for help in my mind, feeling lost and broken. How was I going to explain the accident to Sam?

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