Three days at the end of the Earth: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

 Ismael had taken a course on CPR in the university on his freshman year. That’s why he knelt next to the body of Emily and tried to find a pulse, to no avail.

It was the first time in his adult life that was so close to the dead body of a fellow human being, and to top it off, it was the body of a person that he care for a lot… cared for…

Everything seemed to slow down, like a blur. To his left,  the sirens of the police and fire trucks in the distance, the yells of the people who inhabited the houses on the hill above them, the screams of the people who abandoned the beach when the waves hit, and the desperate pleas for help from the ones who lost loved ones when the waves hit.

He felt an intense desire to cry.

When he turned his head to the right, he saw the face of the homeless man that had just killed Emily, crouching and standing nose to nose with him. He saw that his complexion what actually that of a white-skinned man who spent too much time in the sun, and most of the facial hair were blond and white giving him an air of a  much older man. His blue eyes were very dull blue, but they were staring intensely at him, not menacing but like immersed in a detached study of his reactions. When he spoke he noticed that the man had perfectly white and even teeth.

_Son, listen to me and listen well_ He said in perfect English with a mid-western accent._ This woman that lies in the floor was not your friend. She was a covert operative, and likely she was about to kill you. She attacked me upon recognizing me as a potential threat to her mission. I was such a threat, because I was not going to let her accomplish her mission successfully. The success of her mission would most likely entitle disposing of you with extreme prejudice.  Now, in the immortal words of the most famous and fake action hero that ever exited…” he stood up, from crouching next to Ismael, and extended his open hand down to him “come with me if you want to live” and he snorted a quick chuckle.

Ismael looked in horror at him and then at Emily, and then back at him.

_For Christ sake boy, she was going to put two slugs on you, and you were gonna let her cause she had a pretty face and a nicely scented cunt to go with the looks! You saw what happened there! Who pulled the gun??Eh?

_I don’t know… I don’t

_If I wanted to kill you I would’ve done so right after I finished her off, but I didn’t, did I? So I can’t be all that bad!! _ He stared at Ismael who turned his gaze toward Emily. _For fucks sake!

The blue-eyed bum knelt again next to her corpse, and started going over her pockets, carefully avoiding the blood that was still sipping through her clothes.

_There must be something I can use to prove it to you.

In a quick motion, Ismael moved to grab the gun that was still laying in the floor next to Emily’s hand, but the homeless man was quicker and took a hold of it.

_Listen, I don’t mind you taking the gun, if you don’t trust me, and I don’t blame you for not trusting me, since I just killed the chick you were dreaming of banging tonight, but….”

Seeing the man unlocking the clip and releasing the bullet from the chamber was all and the same.  He handed the gun back to Ismael, and kept the clip with the bullets.

_Here, you can play with that now, if you want._ and returned back to searching the dead body.

Finally, the homeless man left the corpse alone and with a baffled look said:

_Well, she is definitely not carrying anything on her, but let’s not give up yet.

When he stood up Ismael saw he was holding a set of car keys and was looking toward the parking lot, where people from the beach were gathering.

THREE DAYS AT THE END OF THE EARTH (First 5 Chapters of the complete novel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora