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Ismael Horton thought he would have an easy assignment cataloguing petroglyphs in a remote area in Northern Spain for his graduate work for New York University. It was mostly busy work, with some relaxing breaks here and there until the top of the mountain of the island in front of him suddenly broke free from the island and hovered in mid air for everyone to see.  In a matter of seconds young anthropologist’s world was turned upside down, and he was placed dead in the center of the greatest event that humanity has ever witnessed in recent modern history.

But he can’t get around investigating the nature of the UFO because he has to deal with his date trying to assassinate him, the university he is working for denying a cover-up, all media outlets suddenly going on total black-out, and wherever he looks there are men in black shooting at him.

It seems that Brooking Report of 1960 may have been right, since everyone around him is behaving like the world is about to end.

For three days Ismael gets thrusted into an international cover-up of the highest degree, and his only salvation seems to be at the hand of the rogue covert ops agent that is trying to keep him alive.  This agent known only as “The Commander” guides Ismael not only through the landscape of Spain in their pursue for the truth but also through a myriad of non-orthodox theories and facts that most normal people know nothing about(such as Operation Paperclip, Majestic 12, the Dulce Wars and the Pharaonic Chronologies of the Gods-Kings), but now appear to make sense in light of the recent events. Together they will start uncovering a conspiracy the scope of which seems to go back many tens of thousands of years into our past, in a present where nothing is as simple as it seems.

 “Three days at the end of the Earth” is a sci-fi novel that contains double-entenders and hidden symbolism that is aimed to an audience that is interested in OOPARTs, UFO’s and government conspiracies, and its characters give easy to access accounts of existing theories about many unexplained events, ranging from Atlantis, to the Nazi weapons research program. 

THREE DAYS AT THE END OF THE EARTH (First 5 Chapters of the complete novel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें