L: Ofcourse! Where do we meet you?

D: We can come get you guys from your hotel? It is easiest that way and I don't want you guys getting lost.

L: Dhruv you are so nice, thanks that would be great. 

Lydia texts Kyle telling him to dress casually then to join her so they can leave together. Back at the hotel Lydia jumps into the shower then starts getting ready wearing her dark blue denim jeans with a shocking pink sleeveless top that creases into layers on her chest. She puts her hair in a ponytail while she applies light make up.

There is a light but strong knock on her door, when she opens it she sees a freshly showered Kyle with messy gelled hair wearing a baby blue half sleeve tshirt with dark blue jeans. Lydia inhales his sexy masculine cologne that is intoxicating. Looking at him dressed so casually yet he looks so handsome takes her breath away.

Kyle's eyes widen as he looks at Lydia looking as sexy as ever without trying. He can't take his eyes away from her beautiful smiling face, she looks so sweet yet so sexy. His eyes trail down to see her tight pink top hugging her chest while her dark blue jeans hugs her sexy hour glass figure. They both smile coyly at each other then Kyle breaks the silence.

K: You look so pretty Lydia.

L: (blushes) So do you Kyle.

K: (smirks) Doubt I look pretty.

L: (giggles) I mean you look handsome.

K: Oh I like when you speak to me like that, it is so sexy. (smirks) Lydia please continue and I promise we won't leave this room.

L: (chuckles) No! We need to go down they are waiting for us in the lobby.

K: Does your lipstick stain?

L: (confused) I don't think so. Why?

Then before she knows what hit her Kyle crashes his lips onto hers kissing hers passionately. He cups her face with one hand as the other roams her body freely. Just as things get heated between them Lydia gets a call on her hotel room phone.

L: (pulls away) Kyle stop! They are waiting for us downstairs.

K: (nuzzling her neck) So let them wait.

Lydia moves away further from Kyle so she can grab her purse then closes the door behind them.

L: Nope we are going, NOW!

They meet up with Dhurv who drives them along with his girlfriend to the restaurant 'Gajali'.

D: This is the best restaurant for seafood in Mumbai.

L: I love seafood.

K: I don't eat too much of seafood back home, but when in Rome right?

L: (chuckles) Or in Mumbai rather.

Kyle smiles he can't believe just being here with Lydia makes him so happy. When they get to the restaurant they meet up with other members of the team. Everyone is having a great time eating all the different varieties of fish, shrimp and mussels.

L: Oh my god I love this food, it is a bit spicy but so delicious.

Kyle is burning up he likes the fish but the spicy curry that they are swimming in has him red in the face. Lekha nudges Lydia to look at Kyle and then both girls start giggling uncontrollably.

L: (giggles) Kyle are you okay?

K: (burning up) Yup! Just so delicious but so spicy I am sweating bullets (guzzling glass after glass of ice cold water)

L: (laughs) Yeah I know (leans closer to him pressing her chest against his arm) so does everyone else.

K: (slightly embarrassed) I will be right back.

Kyle makes his way to the loo while Lydia keeps laughing prompting Lekha into fits of laughter too. It's not that Lydia enjoys Kyle sweating bullets but he just looks adorable trying so hard to fit into the local team, trying the very spicy food to somehow prove he is a manly man not afraid of a little or in this case a lot of spice.

Lydia is still in fits of laughter, Kyle returns from the loo realizing that he probably is a funny sight. He leans into her then whispers

K: (raspy voice ) Keep it up princess and I will have you screaming underneath me tonight.

Lydia stops immediately a deep spark ignites her whole body at his sexy words. She blinks rubbing her hand around her neck thinking about what Kyle will do to her at the end of the night. Kyke smirks knowing he has got her worked up thinking of him, even pining for him. It is now his turn to torture her.

Oh what will Kyle get up to next? Thought?

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