A man then opened the door and shouted 5 minutes. Everybody got up and started walking to the back of the stage. All the girls started hugging their men and wishing them luck. I did the same to Zacky. He held my in his firm arms and kissed me before running on stage. I looked at Brian who had a sullen look present on his perfectly sculptured face. I couldn't do anything other than look at him seen as the girls were all around me. He just walked past and joined the others on stage.

Their time on stage flew by. I watched mainly Brian instead of Zacky. The way he played was amazing. He was so fast and never missed a single note. I wanted his skilled hands all over my body again. I notice him looking a couple of times. Once they were finished they walked back off of stage. There bodies covered in sweat and worn out. Zacky grabbed me and pulled me into a sweaty embrace.

"You were awesome!" I shouted so he could hear me over the loud noise of everybody talking.

"It was. I'm so glad to be on the stage again." Zacky said with a huge grin on his face. He really did enjoy being on that stage. He connected our lips which took me by surprise. I quickly broke it apart before he wanted to take it any further. I glanced around the place and Brian was no where to be seen again. I shrugged it off and concentrated on the people around me.

The guys had now done the signing and meet and greet stuff. We were now walking back to the tour bus. Zacky had me in a tight possessive hold in which I could hardly move. I certainly didn't like it. It made me feel trapped against him. All of us were pretty worn out so we headed straight for the beds. I looked over at Brian's and he wasn't there again. Where the hell is he?

"Night babe." Zacky called. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and climbed into the bunk above me.

"Night." I called back. I climbed into my bunk and saw a white piece of paper laying on my pillow. I grabbed hold of it and tried to read it but it was too dark so I took out my phone. I lit it up and placed it above the paper so I could read it. It said;

"Kelly, meet me outside near that bench at midnight. I need to see you so please be there. Brian x"

I looked at the clock on my phone and it was bang on midnight. Great. How was I going to sneak out? I wanted to go and see him badly. I got out of the bunk and looked around. It was quite and dark. I quickly rushed through the tour bus. Not even looking around whilst I was walking through.

"Where are you going?" A voice questioned which made me almost jump out of my skin. I turned round to see Johnny sat on the sofa with a beer. I felt my heart sink and nerves fill my stomach. I hated lying and I wasn't good at it even though Brian seemed to think I am.

"I... I don't feel very well. I'm just going to get some fresh air." I told him. Hoping I have done enough to convince him.

"Do you want me to get Zacky?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"No." I snapped a bit to quickly. "What I mean is I don't want to disturb him. I'll be fine after a bit." I said.

"OK. Well I hope you feel better in a bit." He replied.

"Thanks." I told him back whilst walking through the door of the tour bus.

I walked outside and round to the bench Brian wanted me to meet him at. It was dark and for Florida it was a bit chilly. I was a bit creeped out as I sat on the metal bench. I was on my own in the dark on a bench with not a lot on. I heard a rustling and I prayed Brian would hurry up.

"I didn't think you would show." I heard a voice say. It sent shivers down my spine just hearing it. Brian walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"Why?" I questioned.

"You seemed to be really into Zacky earlier. I mean it hurt seeing you in his arms." He replied.

I laughed. "Maybe I wasn't into that much."

"Still. I don't like seeing it." He said whilst looking down and picking at his fingernails. I noticed that he only did it if he was upset or nervous.

"I'm sorry. I should have never come between you guys. This all my fault." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt him grab my hand and lace our fingers together. I looked at them and admired how they fit together perfectly. He pulled me off of the bench and over to the other side of the road.

"Don't ever blame yourself." He told me. He pressed his lips against mine and body set on fire with lust. It wasn't a long kiss or a heated one but it still sent my legs to jelly. "Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes. Why?" I replied.

"I want to show you something that's all." He laughed. He reached into his car and pulled out one of his fedora's. "May I?" He asked. I simply nodded. He fingers moved me hair away from my face. He placed it securely over my eyes and tied it at the back of my head. I couldn't see a thing. I felt his lips connect to my neck. He placed loving kisses all the way up until he reached my ear. "Just follow what I say and I promise I'll keep you safe. I'll never let you go." He breathed hotly into my ear. I could hardly find the words to respond. It was amazing what this man could do to me.

"OK." Was all I responded with. I felt his strong arms snake around my waist and pulled me close against his hard chest. He started walking. I heard the car door opened and he guided me in. The whole time he never let go which made my body scream pleasure and delight.

The car ride was silent but it was comfortable. Our hands were laced together. Not once did he break his promise. I felt the car stop. I guessed we had reach our destination. I heard the car door open and his muscular arms held my body once again. He gently guided me out of the car. We started walking. It wasn't very far until Brian stopped us.

"We're here!" He chirped rather excitedly.

I laughed at his reaction of finally reach our destination. "So where are we?" I asked as I was still blindfolded.

"We are at my favourite place in the whole of Florida. I come here to clear my head. It's just a beautiful place to be." He said not giving any clues away. I felt a pressure on my head. I then realised he was untying the blindfold.

It was removed from my eyes. I gasped as I took in the surroundings. It was breathtaking. We were on some sort of cliff that overlooked the beech. The gentle sea sparkled as the glowing moon shone on it. It was peaceful and desolate apart from me and Brian. Then I realised what was at my feet. Brian had laid out a cloth with lots of pillows placed upon it. There was some alcohol laid on the side in an ice bucket and a few bits off food. I just couldn't catch my breath. Why had he done all this for me?

"You did all this for me?" I somehow questioned. I just couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." He simply said.

"But why?" I asked again.

"I did it because I think I may have fallen for you and I wanted to treat you to something special because you deserve to be treated like a princess. Also, this will technically be our first date." He explained. Instead of replying with words I stood on my tiptoes and crashed my lips on to his. I felt the electricity shoot through me. I never wanted this feeling or the night to end.

I Never Meant To Hurt Anyone.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα