Ch. 7-Moment of Revelation

Start from the beginning

He bit his bottom lip in attempt to hold in his crying. He returned the hug and began sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving my little sister alone for all these years." he said though his tears.

"It's ok big brother, all that matters is that we're together again." Kyoko said smiling, looking him in the eyes.

(Y/N) wiped away his tears and cleared his throat.

"Yea...your right. Thanks little sis."

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything else on (Y/N) Kirigiri in time, so I'll just remind everyone that he killed his best friend, Kumagawa Misogi, in cold blood."

"Yeah I did it! I did it...I did it..." he looked into his hands as they balled up into fists.
(Y/N) felt those old emotions about to rush back into his mind, but he heard a voice that broke him out of that empty glaze.

"You're right, he did deserve it, but that's in your past and in the past is where it belongs. Bury the past but live in the future." Mondo's voice was heard.

"You said being a man is a man never shows his weakness especially in the hour of his fear. I killed my own big brother! But that was a mistake, a mistake of my past, a past I decide to leave behind to become a man. You are a man aren't you?!" Mondo shout at (Y/N).

"Heh, thanks Mondo." (Y/N) chuckled.

Junko grew a small smile when she saw (Y/N) smiling as Mondo and Chihiro stood by him, cheering him up.

"Mondo you killed your brother?" Naegi said with a small frown, which Asahina, Sayaka shared.

"Yeah I did. But unlike (Y/N)'s issue, I didn't kill him with my own hands. My brother gave his life so my sorry ass lives. Because of my foolish it cost my brother's life. (Y/N) helped me, he helped me remember what being a man is, his words were like my brother's. I decide to make a new promise a promise that will make my brother smile in the heavens." Mondo grin.

"And that is?" Leon asked.

"Help Chihiro get strong, help (Y/N) kick Monokuma's ass and get the fuck out of here." Mondo said with a big grin filled with courage.

"See Monokuma, your threats only made us stronger!" (Y/N) said with bearing his teeth.

"(Y/N)'s right, as long as we have Hope we won't give into Despair!" Naegi shout.
Monokuma was silence for a moment.

"Long as you have Hope huh? We'll see how that Hope of your lasts. The strongest Dam breaks with a tiny crack. Let me speed this up. You guys are becoming so boring."

"Asahina masturbates when she's alone. Especially after she works out," Asahina's face turned blushing red while nearly every male stare at her with a deep blush look on their faces.

"Oh like no one here hasn't done it. It's completely natural for people our age!" (Y/N) rolled his eyes, in that moment. (Y/N) patted Asahina on the shoulder smiled at her while Sakura her closest friend also was at her side.

"Thanks guys." Asahina said.

"Yasuhiro owes the Yakuza money, Toko has a second personality which is a serial killer, Byakuya is a fan of a certain book series, Hifumi...I'm gonna skip that one that one makes even me gag. Celestia's name isn't her true name hahaha, Sayaka backstabbed her friend to become what she is now, Mondo killed his brother, Chihiro is a guy!"

"And my last two are my favorites Upupupupu."
(Y/N) growled as he knew he was next on the list.

"Sakura is a traitor and Junko Enoshima isn't Junko at all!"

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