Ch. 5-Memories

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*Warning! Lemon ahead! My first ever so I tried my best, let me know how I did please, thank you.*

Sometime after the Trial: Dining hall

Junko was sitting down at a small round table while everyone but Naegi, Kyoko and Sakura were there questioning Junko.

"Alright no more secrets!" Kiyotaka smashed his right hand down on the table.

"Secrets?" Junko looked confused for the moment.

"You clearly knew who (Y/N) (L/N) was from the start. You know what his title is and you are very likely be the one who tried to murder him so you could escape." Byakuya said.

"Again, I didn't do it." She answered while giving full eye contact.

"I don't believe you. Your behavior changed upon this trail. Why is it so important not to tell us what (Y/N)'s other title is or tell us what the rest of that torn page says?" Byakuya asked Junko with a deep stare.

"If you want to live Byakuya, I would shut that mouth of yours." Junko gave him a bone chilling stare that was filled with death.

"Gah," He jerked back a bit.

"Besides, it's best for you not to know. I have nothing against you all...just...I want to keep things as they are. Right now everyone's alive and (Y/N)'s safe..." Junko looked at everyone with an emotionless stare.

Bearing his teeth in anger, Mondo flip the small table over and grabbed Junko the neck of her shirt and pin her against the wall

"You think it's okay to keep things this way? Our fucking lives are on the lines for anyone to pick off, we have to follow that damn Bear's rule or we'll get punish and I don't want to fucking happen! If you want to protect (Y/N) then by all means, but we have the rights to know if it means our lives are in danger you bitch!"

"Owada enough!" Kyoko's voice was heard.

Mondo let Junko go as Junko fell to her knees. The group looked back to see Naegi, Kyoko and Sakura returned from taking (Y/N) to his room.

"How's (Y/N)?" Kiyotaka asked.

"He's alive, he'll live." Kyoko told them.

"Thank goodness." Asahina sigh with relief follow by Celestia and Sayaka.

Kyoko began to think back to when she checked up on (Y/N).

Kyoko entered his room to see him sleeping on his bed. She went to his desk and pulled the chair out from it and set it next to his bed. She began to watch over him as he slept. A few minutes passed and Kyoko pulled out his journal and began to read it's entries in hopes of gaining more information of who he was.

June 12, 2015

   Akane's been buggin' me for a fight ever sense I healed up from the Practical Exams. She's aware of what I can do and how dangerous I am, so why does she still bother me about it? Is she trying to help me? Is she horny? Or is she trying to act like my fucking mother? Oh wait a minute, I got an idea...SHE'S JUST CRAZY. But regardless, I still love her, I guess I'll do something about it later.

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