"Great! Let's get started immediately!"

"Awesome," Carter says sarcastically as he raises his arms behind his head. His shirt slightly rising as he does, revealing his toned stomach.

I immediately look away, praying to god he didn't notice. Luckily he continued to look off in the distance- very obviously not giving a shit about absolutely anything.

Gathering back my train of thought I start, "rule number one, be confident. Don't let anyone see you sweat."

"I am confident!" Carter defends, "look how I addressed you when we first met, I asked you out."

I furrow my eyebrows "which was weird... don't do that."

"It got your attention," he argues.

"Yes but... just, it's weird Carter!"

"I wouldn't do that-"

"Okay good." I interrupt.

"You didn't let me finish!" Carter complains.

I sigh.

"I was going to say something romantic to you," he says meeting my eyes, a glint lighting up his blue orbs.

I roll my eyes, "you and your lines."

"Now you made me forget."

"Poor you."

"Oh! Don't be condescending!"

"I'm not being condescending!" I defend.

Carter rolls his eyes, "I think you are the most sarcastic, condescending person I've ever met!"

"Am not!" I yell like a little kid, earning stares from students around us.

Carter breaks into a smile, "your definitely something else, Kennedy Summers."

I laugh, "so are you, Carter Thompson."


Georgia and I were in the middle of walking to lunch when she asked me the question I knew I would eventually be asked.

"Soooo," she drawls with an excited smile, "what's up between you and Carter?"

"What do you mean?" I ask with a confused look, knowing very well she sensed something from the two of us.

Georgia and I slowly make our way through the gymnasium and towards the lunch room. She had given me a small but serious look that I knew conveyed "give me the scoop". I debated telling her the whole debacle of Carter's first words being him asking me to go on a date, but I knew he was joking that day. It wasn't very important after all.

Frankly, Carter confuses me.

Truthfully I have absolutely no experience in dating or crushes. I had never dated in middle school (other than a two week relationship that I was basically forced into) and hadn't dated my freshmen year either. I had never had any huge crushes or been loved by any other guy other than my friends. Sure I had been asked out a few times, but never anything serious.

Carter was a different story.

Sometimes I think I have a problem when I first meet or become friends with boys. Personally, there is a thin line between friends and potential crushes that goes back in forth between nearly crossing. I almost always feel blindsided when I meet a guy and realize that I have feelings and then am suddenly clouded with the idea that things would be better off as friends.

When I had first met Aiden I was interested too. During freshmen year there was a time where I definitely liked him as more than a friend. This wasn't the best idea, as Aiden had just begun to build up his f-boy reputation and dated almost every pretty girl that showed the slightest interest in him.

Goodbye CarterWhere stories live. Discover now