After this strange encounter that occurred on an early rainy morning, I had learned that this blue-eyed boy's name was Carter Thompson. He had learned that mine was Kennedy Summers.

He had commented on my shirt, telling me that he liked the color of my sweater. I then chuckled because my sweater was plain white.

Carter had also asked me to go out with him again.

I declined and answered, "I thought you wanted to be friends."

Carter shook his head and said, "for starters."

The whole situation had seemed extremely cliche to me. Of course, I wasn't against falling in love or "destiny" bringing two people together. Truthfully, I had wanted that my whole life, but as I stared at Carter Thompson I knew he would break my heart. It was something about his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. There was something that told me that he was too good for me. Too handsome, too clever, too... dependable.

As these thoughts had filled my brain almost immediately when I met Carter, so had the thoughts on his good looks- dark brown hair, olive skin, strong jawline, tall height... Oh, and his eyes- his icy blue eyes could pierce right through me.

This scared me. He visually attracted me, which would make it hard for me to think of him as a mere friend.

Curse teenage hormones!

Unfortunately, this had clouded my thoughts the whole day. It definitely didn't help that Carter had almost been in almost all of my classes.

Just my luck.

Although I'd be lying if I didn't say that we became fast friends. Carter and I bonded on a different level. We understood each other's jokes, we discussed our absolute hate for the subject of math, and were able to talk throughout the day without it becoming awkward.

Possibly because of this, Carter had followed me to lunch too. Tapping my shoulder and asking, "where do you sit?" continuously, because I wouldn't answer.

I guess I had rolled my eyes one too many times because Carter then started to repeat my comment from earlier that morning, "keep rolling your eyes! Maybe you'll find a brain back there!" He said with a mocking voice paired with a boyish smile.

"Clever," I deadpanned.

He gave me a look, "I can be snarky, just like you, it's a free country you know."

I groan, "just shut up."

He had followed me to the lunch line and insisted on carrying my tray for me, which I protested to no end. Hey! I was a young women who could take care of herself. You know that they say, future is female!

Finally, I had reached my breaking point and resorted to physical violence. I grabbed Carter's forearm and dragged down as hard as I could. I had almost pulled him down, but he suddenly dropped both of our trays, desperately trying to steady his balance. I managed to catch a falling apple, but the trays and the messy mystery meat from today's lunch menu smashed on the lunchroom floor- creating a huge mess, earning many groans from the students behind us.

"You're so annoying!" I said with a slight laugh.

He gave me a smile, "aw thanks, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes again, then grimaced, realizing if Carter saw this I would never hear the end of it.

"Keep rolling your eyes! Maybe you'll-"

"If you keep talking I swear I'll rip your head off," I say with a growl.

Carter took a step back, as I smiled triumphantly.

I handed him the apple I had caught, "here, take it."

Goodbye CarterWhere stories live. Discover now