Chapter 25: Only They Can

Start from the beginning

G ran his hands through Gokudera's hair, "Hayato." He whispered out.

Gokudera slowly turned and looked at G. After a while Gokudera's unfocused eyes finally focused on G, Gokudera almost let out a sigh of relief but he also felt a few tears drizzle down the corner of his eyes, "G."

G pruesed his lips tightly as he looked at Gokudera, "I'm here." Was all he said, and that was all it seemed that Gokudera needed to hear before he slowly reached for G. Without a word G gently held onto a trembling Gokudera.


Asari held onto Yamamoto's hand as he watched Yamamoto open his eyes and look around almost as if he was looking for something. It seemed as if Yamamoto was breathing very quick and short breaths.

At once Asari released some of his flame trying to calm him down while muttering calm words to Yamamoto, "It's okay, I'm right here. Just listen to my voice. It's all okay."

At hearing his voice Yamamoto glanced at Asari, "Where is this?" Yamamoto asked hoping that this wasn't still a nightmare.

Lightly giving a squeeze to Yamamoto's hand Asari tried his best to smile, "We're at the Phantomhive manor."

Yamamoto closed his eyes and sighed, "It's finally over." Yamamoto muttered. The nightmare was finally over, he didn't have to see that anymore. Though it was still very fresh in his mind.

Asari was a bit confused at what Yamamoto was referring to, but he decided not to ask anything. He'd wait until Yamamoto was calmed down.


Knuckles silently prayed as he sat on the bed beside Ryohei who was finally awake trying to calm him down. Knuckles knew from the way that Ryohei looked that he had just had a nightmare. The tenth generation have had frequent nightmares, but he could tell that this one was different than the others.

Knuckles placed his hand on Ryohei's cheek, "I'm here." Was all that Knuckles kept saying.

Ryohei took a deep shaky breath and slowly nodded.


He was at a loss, he hadn't encountered anything like this. He didn't know what to do. Sure he had seen Lambo cry before but for random and stupid reason like he didn't get what he wanted. So this was a first for him.

All Lampo could do was pull Lambo closer to him and try to calm him down. He was never one to make others feel better so he didn't know exactly what to do.

"Don't cry okay." Lampo slightly panicking.

Lambo sniffled and shook his head against Lampo's arm, "I can't." Lambo whispered out through his breathing spasms(you know the kind of hiccupped breathing after crying).

Lampo said nothing as he now lightly pat Lambo's head.


Daemon looked at Mukuro with a bit of confusion. It was clear as day that Mukuro had just had an unpleasant dream, yet Mukuro was glaring at him whenever he got close to him. Though the glare wasn't as heated as it usually was.

"Mukuro I won't do anything, calm down." Daemon said as he tentatively walked closer to Mukuro as to not make matters worse than they already were. Almost as if he was walking towards a scared and angry animal.

Mukuro sat up in his bed and moved as far as he could away from him as he got closer to him. Daemon sighed. He knew that Mukuro never liked him, but he didn't know why, but now was not a moment for Mukuro to be like that. He could see that Mukuro was shaken up by something. And he had a very good idea at what it was, after all when they had rescued the kids from Jonathon the kids had had nightmares, and Daemon along with Asari were the ones who calmed them down with their flames.

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