The Bet (Chapter 3)

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I stood in front of my full body mirror, tears pouring down my face as I examined the damage done from the afternoon's beating. I could vaguely make out the song 'Second Chance' by Shinedown playing in the background on my iPod's shuffle, causing me to let out a humorless chuckle.

Dull, lifeless blue eyes stared back at me through the mirror, as my hand reached up and touched my pathetic reflection, only to cringe at the movement of my arm. Shaking my head, I limped over to the small bathroom that was connected to my room and dropped to the cool tiles.

"You're pathetic! You're Worthless! You were a mistake! No one wants you and no one will love you." His words rang throughout my head, repeating over and over again.

Reaching over to the small drawer that sat in front of me, I pulled out a small, crimson stained razor that seemed to glisten in the dim lighting in the room. It called to me, like a beacon, telling me to go forth with my actions of self destruction.

Before I knew it, my hands had started to drag the sharp object over my left wrist, causing the crimson liquid that I had grown so used to seeing spill from my flesh.

The stinging yet comforting feeling of the blade against my skin brought me to cut myself more and more, until soon enough my whole arm was covered with the scarlet liquid.

Quickly snapping out of whatever trance like state I had been in, I silently cursed under my breath, realizing I went to far once again. Quickly standing, I ran my arm under the sink and bit my lip as the water seeped into my self applied cuts, sending waves of pain through my entire limb.

After cleaning up the wounds, I limped back over to my 'bed' which was really a hard spring mattress sitting in the corner of a nearly empty room, and examined the now scarring flesh.

'I just want to be free' my mind whimpered as tears once again made their way down my cheeks.


(Niall's P.O.V)

I watched as Harry paced across his living room, running his hand through his hair, as he glared at the ground. He'd been like this ever since we got home, muttering words about punishment, lies, and Skyler, AKA Rag Doll.

He hated the fact that Skyler was unaffected by his name calling earlier and even made him look a bit stupid by doing so.

To be honest, I don't even like the fact that we call her names. I feel really bad for doing it, but everyone at school does. She's the girl in rags. How can she not expect to get bullied on when you wear ripped and tattered clothes like that? Plus everyone knows her story.

Her dad is super rich but was never home a lot, so her mom was stuck at home with her all the time. Then, out of no where, her mom kills herself, and nobody knows the reason besides the fact that it was most likely Skyler. A year later she comes to school wearing ripped and torn clothes, and looking basically anorexic so she could get attention. And that's just what she was. An attention seeker.

"I got it" Harry spoke up through the silence causing everyone to look up at him.

"I know a way we can punish that stupid Rag Doll, and we can have fun doing it," he spoke, a Cheshire cat like grin spreading across his features, causing me to cock an eyebrow and shift uncomfortably.

Harry always had the cruelest idea's of how we can get Skyler back and every time is just seems to get worse and worse. Despite the fact she's a manipulative attention seeker like I said before, I still felt guilty for being so mean to her.

"We'll do this as a bet. The first one to make her fall for them and sleep with her wins. Then when she finds out this was all a set up, she'll be crushed and will know never to talk back or humiliate us again," He suggested, his eyes full of excitement.

I glanced at Liam who looked back at me, seemingly just as uncomfortable with the idea as I am.

"I don't know... " Zayn spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed.

Harry looked at him, his eyes narrowed before Zayn let out a nervous chuckle. "I-I mean, who knows what filthy diseases she has." he quickly covered up, as his gaze shot down to the floor.

Harry seemed to relax a bit before sighing. "You heard her. She's a virgin. She doesn't have anything."

They all muttered words of agreement expect for me, causing Harry's pointed glare to snap towards me. I could feel my body instantly tense and my eyes widened.

I really didn't like this idea. "Harry- what if this really hurts her? What if she does something rash?" I ask, my voice small making me feel a bit pathetic.

I felt everyone's eyes abruptly look towards me, like the idea had never occurred to them before, or they were to much of a chicken to suggest it.

I heard Harry let a humorless chuckle escape his lips as he rolled his eyes. "Niall, you always were the sympathetic one. Don't worry. I doubt she'd ever do anything like that. She's too strong to pull a stupid stunt like that." he attempted to assure me, but I still didn't feel right going along with this.

Shifting uncomfortably, I looked down at the ground and mumbled an 'okay' to show I was going along with it.

A satisfied smile appeared across Harry's features as he nodded once.

"Good. We'll discuss what the winner gets at a later date. Tomorrow, we'll start, got that?"

We all nodded once before changing topics.

'God, I hope this doesn't end badly.'

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