chapter 4: After the honnou Temple incident

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After recuperating from the battle with Rance and the others, Xavier eventually appeared in South Africa, where the Shimazu brothers rule. Xavier found his daughter, Kurohime, who was a guest of the clan. When the Dark Lord was about to kill them, Kurohime begged for their safety. As a result of this, they pledged their obedience to Xavier, and their army was to be called the Demon Army. Through Kurohime's ability to break seals, two Forbidden Youkai were revived. One of the youkai was Stone Grandpa, who can grow larger when in pain. Xavier planned on sinking Japan with this ability. In order to supplement his army's strength, he used the ability of the other youkai, called Soul-Binder. Whenever the Soul-Binder infects a human, they become soul-bound and behave in a way similar to zombies. With this force, Xavier planned to conquer Japan. Fortunate (or unfortunately for those in the way), Rance's army traveled West to face the Demon Army. Eventually the group rescued Stone Grandpa. The final battle between Rance and Xavier took place at the Tenma Bridge. The fight ended with Rance's side winning, and Xavier turning back into a demonic blood soul. The latter was absorbed by Miki, who was the Demon King Little Princess.

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