Chapter 3: The honnou Temple Incident

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When Xavier got five out of the eight gourds, he brutally tortured and killed a Tenshiism monk. On her visit to the temple and Nobunaga, Kouhime witnessed this event. To prevent her from revealing this event to others, Xavier sent his minions to deal with her. After some time passed and Kou did not return, Rance and the others went to search for the Princess. Eventually, Rance found her with Xavier's cronies outside the Temple and killed the cronies. Kouhime shortly after revealed the possession of her brother Nobunaga by Xavier. After hearing this, Rance organizes a force to fight the Dark Lord Xavier. This force caused Seiryuu to flee and killed Byakku. When they reached Xavier, they saw that Seigan and Kentarou were both just defeated by Xavier. Rance was able to seriously injure Xavier, Nobunaga's last remaining will partially regained control of his body and resisted Xavier, causing more damage to the body. At the end of the fight, Kentarou recovered, and attacked Xavier in such a way that allowed Xavier to escape through the window. Nobunaga's body was never found, but Kouhime (who was waiting outside) mentally heard Nobunaga calling out to her. This was the last part of Nobunaga that was left, which meant that Xavier was in full control of the body.

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