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Dan decided to make a video just to tell the people on the internet what had happened this past days.

" Hello internet.. I have some things to tell you.... and.. and it's going to be serious." Dan said.

He felt a tear stream down his cheek but wiped it off really fast.

" I don't really know how to say this... but... but.... something... something bad happened.... the thing is..... it is.... that me and..... me and Phil..... we had a fight..... and I moved out..... I was going to apologize.... I really was... but.... but.... I didn't.... I didn't have the.... chance... I'm crying I'm so sorry..... okay I'll continue.... I didn't have the chance to apologize to him.... and that hurts.... I really tried.... but it was to late..... because.... because when... when I was leaving.... I.... I... saw someone... someone that looked familiar.... get.... get hit by.... a car.... and I.... I ran.... to see who.... who it was and I still can't believe it.... I saw Phil lay there.... hurt.... and I couldn't do anything.... because I... I was in shock.... and then I saw it... the last seconds.... and then.... then he wasn't breathing.... I still can't believe this... and it's very hard for me... to tell you this... he was my best friend..... maybe even more.... I hate that... that the last thing we did was to fight.... I hate myself for it and I'm so sorry... I don't think I can handle this.... okay I know I'm not.... this is just really hard.... I might take a break from YouTube... just so you know... even if it may come a video tomorrow... oh god I'm still crying... goodbye... " Dan said and turned off the camera. He then walked to Phil's room just to see it, he really missed him.

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