"You can follow, sir. We're taking her to the second floor for the night." The nurse removed the brake on the bed as I stood and moved out of the way.

"I'm not leaving her side, ma'am," I said as Suzy laid her head on the pillow and smiled at me. I wouldn't leave her tonight.

The trip to her room was quick, and the nurse left us alone and didn't ask any questions. I sat down in the chair next to her as she yawned. My eyes felt heavy and my mind cloudy.

"Will you sleep up here with me? I mean, there isn't much room, but I want you to hold me tonight. I need you."

How could I say no to anything she asked? I'd stand on my head all night if it made her fucking happy. "Anything you want, sugar." I kicked off my shoes, climbing in the small twin bed before lying on my side, pulling her face to my chest. "Try to sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

The tiny bed was perfect as I cradled her in my arms. She gripped my shirt, resting her face against my shoulder. I enveloped her in my arms, I wanted her to feel safe, and I needed to know that she was okay.

Listening to her breath as she slept, I smelled her hair, but it had the scent of the cigarette smoke from the bar, and dirt. Her body twitched as she whimpered in her sleep. I wanted to crawl inside her dream and rescue her.

I flexed my hands; the stiffness from the bruises and small cuts made me wince. It wasn't anything I hadn't felt before, but I couldn't work for a couple of days until they healed. After pulling my phone from my pocket, I adjusted her body without waking her then sent Anthony a message. My other siblings would be in a panic and the entire crew would be here, but Anthony I could count on to keep the information low key—at least for tonight.

Me: Won't be in tomorrow. Tell Mikey to reschedule my appointments. Thanks, bro.

Anthony had a gig in Clearwater, and he was a sure bet to get the information.

Anthony: I told him, he's with me.

Fuck. Might as well have put it on the evening news or taken out a fucking billboard. Mikey would have a million questions and would want details.

Anthony: What the fuck happened? Not like you to not work.

I didn't want to give them the details, but I had to give enough to get them off my back. I didn't have a fucking choice in the matter. I'd have to cancel dinner with the family. My mother would want to know why—no one got out of dinner without a legitimate excuse. I wanted to stay with Suzy for the weekend and make sure she was okay before I let her be alone.

Me: Situation at the bar tonight. I need to stay with Suzy. Tell Mom I can't make it and clear my schedule for a couple days at least.

Anthony: WTF happened? You okay?

Suzy didn't move as I typed with one hand, trying not to break the embrace.

Me: Beat the shit out of some fucker that attacked her. She's in the hospital for the night and I want to stay with her after she's released. Don't tell anyone. I don't want them to flip out.

Anthony: Gotcha, but Mom is going to want details. Which hospital?

Me: County Hospital, but we're okay. My hands are just swollen. I'll be fine.

Anthony: Gotcha. Mum's the word.

Nothing stayed a secret in my family. It was like the mafia party line. I knew Mikey had probably read over Anthony's shoulder, and soon the entire brigade would be on high alert. I set the phone above my pillow and closed my eyes, wrapping Suzy in my arms.

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