Chapter 22

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Who's the Boss?


"How in the fuck could you let her walk outside alone?" Kayden stood toe to toe with me. I didn't blame him—he cared for Suzy.

"Kayden, I know, man. I was supposed to be right behind her. Everything got fucked up." I kept eye contact with him. I wouldn't show weakness, even though I knew the entire thing happened because of Kaylee and my past. My fucking cock always caused trouble.

"Yeah, I'd say. If anything happens to her, City, I'll kick your ass. I may look small compared to you, but I'll crush you. Hear that shit."

I clenched my hands, stopping myself from beating his ass right here in the hospital. I knew he wouldn't hit me. Throwing down with Kayden would only drive a wedge between Suzy and me. I'd let him say his piece. "Got it loud and clear, Kayden. I'll protect her with my life."

"I know you didn't mean for any of it to happen, City, but I expect more." He stepped back. "She's like a sister to me. Just protect her and we won't have an issue. I don't want to be a dick, but I had to tell you that you fucked up."

"I know, and I will, Kayden. I'm happy that you love her and you'll look out for her if I'm not around. I know I fucked up and I'll do everything in my power to make it up to her."

"Are you planning on breaking her heart, man?" He crossed his arms over his chest and stared. "If this shit is just a game to you, then you need to end it now."

"Fuck no, but I don't know where her head is right now." I rubbed my eyes, exhausted from the events of tonight.

"Don't give her a choice, City. She's quick to overthink everything. She needs a little push sometimes."

"I'm happy to show her the way. Are we good, man?" I asked. "I need to get back to her."

"Yeah, we're good." He held out his hand to me.

"Thanks, man." I shook his hand.

I walked through the curtain to the girls whispering on the bed. "Hey, ladies," Kayden said behind me. "Suzy, how are you, love?" He walked in front of me and stood next to her bed.

I stood at the foot of the bed and watched them as they interacted. They were a family, anyone could see that. There was a love and a shared past that brought them together. They chatted as I stood there, transfixed. Suzy looked battered, with bruises and a split lip. It would take forever for the effects to fade from her beautiful face.

"We have a room ready for you," a nurse said as she entered the small space.

"Oh, great," Sophia said. "We better head home, Suzy. Sleep well, and we'll stop by tomorrow to see you." She kissed Suzy on the cheek, and Kayden did the same.

"Night, Suzy." Kayden turned to me. "City, make sure she's okay tonight. Don't leave her alone." He wrapped his arm around Sophia.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else, Kayden."

"I love you guys. City will take good care of me. Go home—Jett will be up soon."

"Bye, love," Sophia said before they walked out.

I sat down next to her as the nurse started to unhook the machines. "Hey, sugar. How are you really feeling?"

"Sore." She winced as she moved her limbs. "Can you find a mirror? I want to see my face."

Oh God. Her face was swollen, with a small amount of dried blood in the corner of her mouth. I didn't want her to see herself all bruised. "I'll find one soon. Wait until you're moved."

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