14) Till The Very End

Start from the beginning

We turned to everyone, hand in hand and walked back down the aisle together, smiling at all our friends and family. Narcissa and Kingsley lead us to the round wooden table where the contracts had been placed, both Draco and I signing the wedding contract together, while Draco signed the Malfoy royalties paper and I signed the Royal Decree paper. 

Kingsley approached me, a glimmering gold crown in his hands. There were so many diamonds encrusted into it, it appeared almost silver and two large amethyst stones in the centre. I knelt down on one knee before him and he raised the crown high above my head before slowly bringing it down. Draco held out his hand and I took it, standing back up.

The Minister turned around to face the guests. "You're now looking at the new King and Queen of our world."

There was a cheer and the contracts quickly rolled themselves up and flew out the window to the Ministry. Kingsley turned back to me, quietly saying, "This is the crown every Gregory to sit on the throne was coronated with."

He bowed his head before slipping into the crowd, house elves already bustling about handing out drinks and nibbles, and it didn't take long for everyone to be pouncing on us. Narcissa scored the first hug, kissing both of us on the cheek, making Draco blush as he wiped off her lipstick. The girls were next, rushing towards us in one big group giving me a bone-crushing hug. "Congratulations! We're so happy for you!" Amelia smiled at me and a figure appeared at her side, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Blaise smirked down at me and leant over to kiss me on the cheek. "Congratulations, Lily, you deserve the best. Well done, man." The two boys shook hands and the couple moved along to allow us to greet our other guests.

I gave Bill and Fleur a hug, asking them when the baby was due, sometime towards the end of June and commented on how pregnancy suited her and she was practically glowing. She smiled, thanking me as Gabrielle ran up. "Lily, Lily! You look so beautiful in your dress. I wish I could be as beautiful as you one day."

I smiled down at her. "You already are, my dear." I greeted her parents, introducing them to Draco.

My eye spotted the awkward family clinging to the corner with Hermione's parents, whom she and Ron had invited as their plus ones, Arthur Weasley by their side. All six of them congratulated us. "Mummy!" 

A familiar voice called, making me spin around to see Teddy, still a little unsteady on his feet, running towards me, Andromeda following hastily behind. His hair changed from boring brown, which he probably gained during the ceremony and turned to an electric excited blue.

I bent down and swept him up in my arms. "Teddy! My you've grown! You're so big now. But, remember my name is Lily?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "I know, but gran say I call you mummy!"

I smiled, sitting him on my hip, Draco giving the boy a high-five. "Hey, little man."

Andromeda reached us, a tired smile on her face. "I thought, since you would be taking care of the little rascal, he may as well call you what you are to him, as long as he knows who his parents were." I smiled and nodded, giving her a hug. "And congratulations, I hope you're both very happy."

Draco nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist, looking at the little boy that would come under our custody once we'd finished school. Harry came up to us and nodded to his godson. "Well done, you two look really great together."

I smiled at him and handed Teddy over to Draco, so I could hug Harry and I started crying again as his arms wrapped around me. "Hey, Teddy." Harry and I smiled at the young boy, who looked up at us in interest.

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