Chap 8 "Zara's Birthday"

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Hailee's POV
Over the week, we had to find Liv. She was abducted from her home and tortured over the road for four days straight. We found her Friday afternoon. It's now Zara's birthday. "Nick, are you ready?" I asked as I walked into the precinct from the break room. "I finally got her dress on her."
"Yeah," Nick replied as he got out his phone. "Is she ready?"
"Yeah," I smiled. I opened the break room. "Alright, Zara. Come on out." Zara walked out of the room and she was so beautiful. Nick started taking pictures. "You're so pretty."

"Daddy, do you have to have all these pictures?" Zara asked

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"Daddy, do you have to have all these pictures?" Zara asked. "I think you have all the pictures."
"Just a couple more, sweetheart," Nick smiled.
"Nick," I smiled as I stopped him. "It's alright. Oliver has a professional photographer to take pictures at the Ace of Clubs."
"Alright," Nick nodded. "Let's get you out to the limo."
"Come on," I sighed as I grabbed Zara's right and Nick grabbed her left. "You ready to go?"
"There's press outside," Amanda walked into the precinct. "Anybody knows what's up?"
"Someone must've said something," I sighed. "Let's just try to get her into the limo. We're going to need police escort."
"I got your covered," Finn nodded. "There's a town car parked in front of the limo that I can drive."
"Alright," I stated. "Let's go."
"Let's go, Zara," Nick smiled. We walked out of the precinct and people started taking pictures and asking us questions. We got Zara into the limo. "What are we going to do with the press?"
"Is it true that you're the billionaire's CEO of Queen Industries long lost sister?" a female reporter asked.
"No comment," I stated as Nick got into the limo. I got in as well and closed the door. We started moving. "Are you going to have fun at your party?"
"Yeah!" Zara smiled. We pulled up to the Ace of Clubs and there was press there too. "Why are there so many people taking pictures?"
"Well, because it's your birthday," I smiled. The door opened. "Go on out first, Zara." Zara did first. "The press is here probably because of me."
"Don't worry about it," Nick nodded. "Ignore it and focus on your daughter."
"Right," I sighed. We got out and Zara was smiling and waving. "She's a natural."
"Yeah, you should see her iPad," Nick chuckled. "Come on."
We walked inside. As soon as the doors closed, the lights turned on. "Surprise!" a lot of people got out of hiding.
"Happy birthday, Zara," Nick smiled and hugged her.
"Zara," Oliver walked up to us. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you," Zara hugged Oliver.
"Come on," Oliver grabbed her hand. "I have a couple people I want you to meet." Zara looked at me and I nodded. "It's okay."
"Go on," I nodded as Oliver and Zara disappeared into the crowd. "Why doesn't she have much friends?"
"Maybe because parents know you're her mother and I'm her father," Nick shrugged. "There's a number of reasons why."
"I want her to have a normal life," I sighed.
"Hailee, as much as we want that to happen, she won't have a normal life," Nick replied. "You're a celebrity and we're both NYPD cops. Although, with you being a celebrity, that could be the case." I looked at Nick. "Not that that's a problem but celebrities barely have a normal life. You were put in front of a camera at an early age."
"I just kind of want to stay out of it now," I nodded. "I just want Zara to be happy, Nick. I don't know if staying in the spotlight is a good idea for me." Nick looked at me as if he was confused. "I've been offered another role in a romance movie that's going to be filmed here in NYC. It pays double of what I get in a two weeks paycheck from SVU." I sighed. "I don't think I should take the role if it's going to take away Zara's normal childhood. I'll give it up and Oliver can help out with bills."
"Hailee, don't give up your role," Nick hugged me. "Go for it. It's what you do best, honey. You can give it up if you want but I know acting is your life." I smiled at him as we kissed. "You deserve to do what you love regardless. So, take the role."
"Then Oliver will have to make time to take Zara to and from school," I looked at Nick. "I don't think Oliver wants to be a parent just yet."
"It's just for a couple weeks, right? I think Oliver will be fine. Besides, I'll be home with Zara a few nights at a time."
"We need to get Zara a babysitter."
"And we will but in the meantime, we work around our schedules, okay?"
A few hours later, we got onstage when Zara did and my phone rang. "I have to take this," I sighed. I got off stage and picked up. "Hailee Amaro."
"Hailee, I wanted you to be the first to know, I put in my papers," Munch's voice came through.
"No," I nodded.
"Sorry, Hailee, but the last case on Liv hit me hard," Munch replied. "I just wanted to let your know that it was a pleasure working with you."
"Wish there were more times," I sighed. "See you around, Munch." I hung up and got back onstage. "Sorry, that was Munch."
"Everything good?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, he put in his papers," I sighed. "We're going to have to manage."
"And we will," Nick smiled.
"Mommy, I just wanted to let you know that you're the best mommy anyone could ask for," Zara stated into the microphone.
"Awh," I smiled as I picked her up.
"I love you, Mommy," Zara hugged me.
"I love you too, baby," I hugged her. "I love you very much." Munch got onstage. "John Munch." I hugged him. "I didn't plan on seeing you here."
"I came to wish Zara a happy birthday," Munch smiled.
"Honey, let me see the microphone," I sighed. Zara handed it to me. "Munch, the squad should know."
"Guys, don't cry for me. Actually, Liv, you cry. I mean, Liv is the heart of SVU," Munch nodded. "And Finn is the pancreas. Twelve years in, I show Finn a report. A rapist strikes somewhere in America every two minutes. Finn says to me, Munch, we gotta catch this guy. And when I first saw Nick Amaro, I realize I'm still the best looking guy in the squad, but one good thing about it it's kind of a blessing. Now in the squad room we have someone who's even more paranoid than I am. So thank you."
"What do you mean?" Nick asked.
I heard the squad's cells beep and we got out our phone. Nick didn't. "We gotta go," I sighed as I put Zara down.
"Now?" Nick asked as I watched the rest of the squad leave quietly.
"I'll tell you on the way," I sighed as Oliver got onstage. "Ollie, take care of Zara. I have to take care of this case."

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