Chap 1 "My Wife Needs Me"

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Nick's POV
I went to work and put my wedding picture on my desk. I also put Hailee's selfie on my desk. "Time to get to work," I sighed as I sat down on my desk. "Liv, we got any cases?"
"Right now, no," Liv nodded.
"Alright, thanks," I sighed as I put my phone on the table. Finn walked in. "Hey Finn."
"Hey Nick," Finn stated as he walked past me. "Whoa, wait a minute." He walked backwards and picked up the wedding picture. "Is that Hailee Elsa Monroe?"

 "Is that Hailee Elsa Monroe?"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Yes," I nodded. "That is her maiden name."
"Were you in a wedding shoot for a catalog with her?" Finn asked as he put the picture down. He saw Hailee's selfie. "You're in way over your head kid."
"Finn, Hailee's name is now Hailee Amaro," I looked at him. "We're married. I just transferred here a couple months ago and we had our wedding before that."
"You're married to a celebrity, you know that?" Finn asked.
"Yeah, I've known her when we were in diapers," I smiled. "I guess I just fell in love with her in our teens. She was fifteen, I was sixteen and we started dating. I asked her to marry me when she turned eighteen." Finn pulled up a seat and sat down near me. "Four years later, we're married. It's a new chapter in our life."
"You guys were together for seven years?" Finn asked. "No wonder why she turned down dates with celebrities. You know, the press can't find any dirty secrets on her."
"Because she's loyal, sweet, and kind," I nodded. "I could trust her while I was UC and it's great for me to go on life without any stress."
"Hey Nick," I heard Hailee's voice. I got up and turned to looked at her. "I have a problem."
"Hailee, I thought you'd be at home," I replied. "What are you doing here?" We shared a kiss. "Hail?"
"You know, I signed many autographs on my way up here just to see you," Hailee nodded. "But that's not my problem and not what I'm worried about because I've been doing that since I was thirteen."
"You're hiding something," I looked at her.
"I hate how you know me," Hailee smiled. "But my parents are coming for dinner tonight. I was wondering if maybe you can clear tonight's schedule for that? I mean, it's our first dinner with my family since our marriage." I nodded. "Please, my parents are really wanting to see you tonight and it's their last night here in NYC. They're been here for a week and you haven't been home until late."
"Yeah, I know, it's the cases," I replied. "Look, I'll see what I can do to get off the hook and I'll run it by Liv."
"I really need you there," Hailee sighed. "Look, just try to be there, please?"
"I'll try my best, Hailee, but you know the system," I looked at her. "You know all about how my family works and you know how we are."
"Yes, you Monroe's are very stubborn at times," I smiled as I hugged her. "That's part of why I married you, I love a challenge. Although, I love you more than that."
"I love you too," Hailee nodded as we let go of each other. "Just come back in one piece and I don't want to be visiting you in a hospital." I nodded as I looked at her. "I know your careful but be extra careful."
"NYPD, sweetheart," Finn replied. "We'll try our best."
"I'll see you tonight," I smiled. Hailee left. "I'll talk to Liv in a few. I have to make this dinner if I wanna stay alive."
"I don't know how well she'll do that," Finn nodded. "Go ahead and go and ask her."
"Yeah," I sighed. I knocked on her door. She motioned me in and I closed the door. "Liv, my wife just asked me to have dinner with her and her parents."
"Wait, wife?" Liv asked. "You're married?"
"Yeah, I got married a couple months ago," I nodded. "Anyways, she kinda needs me at the dinner and I kinda wanna stay alive."
"Yeah, you can go to the dinner," Liv replied. "Can I ask who you're married to?"
"Yeah, yeah," I replied. I showed her the lock screen on my phone. "That's our wedding picture."
"You're married to Hailee Monroe?" Liv asked.
"Why is everybody surprised that I'm married to her?" I asked. "But I wanted to run that by you before you cut me from running off this evening."
"I don't mind you going to dinner with the Monroe's," Liv replied. "Thank you for letting me know."
"No problem," I responded. I left her office and went back to my desk. I called Hailee. "Pick up."
"Hey Nick," Hailee picked up. "Are you going to able to make it tonight?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "I'll see you at dinner."
"See you," Hailee replied. "Love you."
"I love you too," I sighed and hung up. "It sounds like she's cooking up a big dinner tonight."
"How big is the family?" Finn asked.
"Her mom, her dad, me, her, her baby, and her adopted brother with his on again off again girlfriend," I replied.
"She has a baby?" Finn asked.
"She's four months pregnant," I nodded. "Of course she's going go have a baby, my baby."
"Sixteen murders over Fourth of July," Liv stated as she walked out of her office.
"They cut back on the stop-and-searches, people start carrying," Finn replied.
"Well, I'm sure it has nothing to do with twenty days in a row over ninety degrees," Munch replied.
Night fell. "Alright, I'm going to go to this dinner with my wife and her parents, Peter and Stacey Monroe," I replied. "I'll see you guys later. Just brief me on the case in the morning." I walked out and got into my car. I drove home and parked behind Hailee's car. I walked up to my door and I was about to get out my keys until I saw that the door was cracked open. I saw her parents car pull up behind me. "What the hell?" I pushed opened the door and got out my gun. "Babe?"
"Nick, what's going on?" asked Peter.
"I don't know, Dad," I sighed. "I'm going to find out. Just stay out here." I walked inside with my gun held low. "Hailee, baby?" I heard a low moan. I ran towards the kitchen and saw Hailee on the ground. "Hailee!" I put my gun away and ran over to her. I sat down and cradled her in my arms. "Hails, speak to me, honey."
"Nick," Hailee whispered. "Help me."
"Stay with me," I nodded. She fell limp in my arms but her pulse was strong. I called an ambulance and they came to pick her up. I walked outside and her parents were holding onto each other. "I'm going to go with Hailee to the hospital, if you want to head home."
"I took some more time off," Peter replied. "We want to stay with her. She said she had something to tell us."
"Okay," I replied. My phone rang and I picked up. "Amaro."
"Nick, we can use you in this case," Liv replied.
"I'm on my way," I sighed and hung up. "My boss. I gotta go." I got into my car and went to to the precinct. "Everything good?"
"Sorry I had to ruin your dinner, Nick," Liv replied.
"Olivia, you're good," I nodded. "I found Hailee on the kitchen floor and she fell unconscious. You didn't ruin anything. Someone else did and I think her parents hate me right now."
"Okay," Liv nodded. She briefed me on the case as we met with the squad. "That's the interview."
"She's giving as good as she gets here," I replied.
"But it turned ugly when they were alone," Amanda replied.
"She's not claiming rape but she agreed to a rape kit?" I asked.
"Well, reluctantly," Liv nodded. "She has anal fissures and a severe ligature mark on her neck."
"She did press charges?" Finn asked.
"No. She's worried, you know," Amanda sighed. "Because of her book."
"Her pose is pretty florid, although I admire any author who can work innipple clamps and Albinoni's Adagio in one sentence," Munch replied.
"You read this?" Finn asked.
"The Yentas at my mother's retirement home were passing it around and my mother's losing her sight, so I read it to her," Munch replied.
"My wife hates the book," I shrugged. "She doesn't understand how a woman can be so disrespected but it feels good at the same time." I looked at my squad. "That's just my wife's opinion though. Look, if she's not pressing charges, why are we wasting our time?"
"Victims sometimes take time to process," Liv replied. "She said stop. He tightened the belt. He probably thought that, given her book, that he could get away with it."
"And there are rumors about this guy," Amanda pointed. "I mean he's forward with his female guests, especially the hot ones, and you know what? There's a possibility that he crossed the line with a few of his interns."
"Hold on. Cain may be a ladies' man, but he is one of the good guys," Munch argued.
"We've seen him at benefits," Finn replied. "Police widows, battered women. He never says no."
"You mean he never hears no," Liv looked at Finn.
"Finn and I will pay Cain a friendly visit before charges, before he lawyers up," Munch replied. "Benson, Rollins, check and see if Jocelyn's had time to process."
"And I'm what?" I asked. "Reading the book?"
"And you're gonna follow up on the rumors about Cain and his interns," Munch handed me the book. "Take a laptop and the book to your wife's hospital room. She'll want to see your face when she comes to."
"Thanks," I nodded. I went to see Hailee in the hospital. I sat in the chair at her bedside as her parents were in the waiting room. I just read the book and did the research. "This is insane."

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