Chapter 3- hate life.

Start from the beginning

I smiled and nodded.

"I'm Tayo, but you can just call me Ty" A boy with brown hair and blue eyes intoduced.

"I'm Lewis" a younger boy with brown hair and brown eyes told me. He had freckles scattered across his cheeks and nose.

"Adam" a much younger boy said with a huff, he crossed his arms and gave me a frown.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Adam behave" hissed James.

"And that's Ryan and Isabella" Sarah said with a smile as a much older guy maybe in his 20's came in carrying the tots. They both gargled and giggled to themselves. I smiled at them, immediately thinking of Harley, oh how I missed him.

"I'm connor" the guy greeted. His eyes were bluey/green with mousy brown hair. He was shirtless and had toned abs and biceps.

"Hi" I said in a low voice at all the guys infront of me.

"Wheres Haden?" Sarah whined while rolling her eyes.

"Upstairs with Amber" Connor replied with a shrug.

"For god sake! I told him not to invite her over today! Everytime she's here they end up arguing and Haden ends up in a vile mood. James dear, go tell Haden I want him please" Sarah instructed her husband.

I sat still completely flushed. Connors body had me completely flustered.

He was gorgeous.

We all stood there in an awkward silence as a door slamed upstairs causing everyone to turn in curiosity as James came storming down he stairs.

"That boy is a pain in the arse" he scolded as he entered the lounge area.

"What happened?" Sarah hissed.

James looked at me awkwardly and whispered in Sarah's ear. I began to frown was he talking about me?

Sarah sighed, her face began to turn beet-red. "I won't be a moment" Sarah smiled at us as she turned and headed for the stairs, James behind her.

"Woops, Hadens in for the shit" Kyle laughed.

"Yeah, hahahaha, infront of Amber too" Connor added with a chuckle.

"Why?" I decided to question, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Mum hates Amber, she doesn't treat Haden right. He's always miserable around her" Connor replied with a shrug.

"So whys he with her then?" I found my self asking again, the johnsons eyes widened.

"Full of questions today" Kyle smirked.

I blushed.

"I'm just curious" I replied in a small voice.

"I guess he just loves her" Connor said with a small smile, he must not approve of there relationship either.

I nodded, we all just stood there looking around in an awkward silence.

A high pitched cry caught me by suprise and I jumped, my heat beat rapidly as I turned to look at the twins that were now standing on the floor. Isabella was screeching and lifting her hands in the air.

"Bells, your getting to heavy" Connor whined.

Kyle rolled his eyes.

"You coming?" He asked Isabella, she just screamed even louder.

"She doesn't like you" Adam butted in with an eyeroll.

"She does too, don't you bella?" He asked her in a cooing tone.

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