0.43 «Grayson Dolan»

Start from the beginning

"So what exactly is this gala for?" I wondered aloud.

"Our dad is on the board of directors for this hospital, so he basically runs it," Evan explained, "The one we're going to right now is their newest branch, and he wanted to make this opening a big deal."

"Ahh," I nodded.

"Isn't there some doctor getting an award tonight also?" Emmy said.

Elliot agreed, "Yeah, I think Dr. House is, and also some other doctor too.  Dad's supposed to present it."

"Oh cool."

The ride to Jersey City wasn't long, but we did get stuck in traffic a few times. Emmy called their Dad to tell him about the slight delay. 

We arrived at the large hospital, and headed to the administration building, where there was a banquet hall a few floors up.

We walked in, and luckily, not many people had arrived yet. Mrs. Samuels greeted us, looking elegant in her long, black gown and her strawberry blond hair in a stylish half-bun. 

"Come sit down, darlings. Our table's near the front," she pointed to a table in front of the stage, right underneath the speaker's podium. 

We set our jackets and bags down at the table, and followed Mrs. Samuels, who had asked us to help with set-up.

"Ok, Grayson, can you call Nick? He should be back behind the stage getting the awards and his speech ready," she directs me to the side of the stage, where I was supposed to go beyond the curtain.

"Mr. Samuels?" I called into the dim-lit room.

He pops up from somewhere, scaring me, "Grayson! Glad you guys made it! What do you need, son?" he asks, smiling.

"Uh, Genevieve wanted you. I think she said something about putting the awards in their places."

"Ahh," he nods. 

As I begin to walk away, he calls me back, "Grayson? Could you actually put them back there? I have to go check with the sound specialist about the glitching microphone."

"What exactly would I do?" I ask.

"Take the three awards that'll be handed out, and put them underneath the podium. On the speaker's side, there's a little place just the right size."

"Uh, sure. I can do that, sir."

"Great!" he cries, disappearing again. He comes back with three small glass sculptures in his hands, each of them shaped like a pyramid. 

"Here you go. Just put them where I told you," he throws them into my arms, nearly causing me to drop them, "Thanks, Gray," he pats my shoulder before walking away once more.

I shrug, laughing. Mr. Samuels was clearly distracted and busy, so I went to do what he told me. I found the small opening inside the podium, and put the clear awards in order, pushing them farther inside so they wouldn't fall out easily. 

I went back to the table, where Genevieve was busy directing Evan and Elliot as they hung a banner on the far south wall.

I found Emmy, and sat next to her, as more and more people had begun to arrive. 

"What'd you do? I asked.

"I made sure all the food arrived from the catering service. Mum was gonna go insane if her appetizers didn't get here in time," she chuckled.

"She's excited, huh?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "It's a big first impression of this new hospital, I guess."

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