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The sun basked both of them in a comfortable heat, both having their eyes closed with their fingers entwined with each other

"Another fine ass day in Mexico" Mickey mumbled as his thumb stroked across Ian's knuckles "does it get any better than this"

Ian chuckled and lazily moved his head to the side to admire his boyfriend "not fucking likely" Ian watched in satisfaction as Mickey smile widely showing his teeth. "I just can't believe life has got like this for us"

Mickey looked to Ian "you getting all sentimental on me Gallagher"

Ian chuckled "no I'm serious, I mean here we are cold beers openly holding hands in public while relaxing on our small patio in Mexico, never in a million fucking years did I think this would happen"

Mickey lifted Ian's hand placing a small kiss to his skin "neither did I, but here we are, despite all of those fuckers who said we couldn't make it, I'm half tempted to take a fucking picture of us and send it to my prick of an old man just to really piss him off" the boys laughed while hearing Ian's phone buzz. He saw the caller ID: Lip. Living with an escaped felon made you a little paranoid so he never answered a call unless he made one, nervous in case his family decided to tell the place and trace the call, a part of him thought it was ridiculous but another knew his family did not like Mickey

"Family again?"

"Hmm" Ian responded "he'll leave a message though if he needs me"

The two were silent before Ian spoke again "hey, remember that time when we fucked behind the Alley"

Mickey scoffed "do I ever, gave another whole meaning to the saying blue balls"

Ian nearly choked as he took a sip of his beer "or remember the time Kash caught us"

"Fuck how could I forget that, got shot in the fucking leg for it" Ian looked down and saw the scar the bullet had left

"Yeah but scars looks sexy on you"

Mickey eyed him with a smirk "yeah? Well they ought to I've got plenty of them"

Rolling his eyes Ian placed his beer to the side before moving to straddle Mickey "well try not to get them in the future yeah? I don't like seeing you hurt"

Ian smiled as he saw Mickeys face scrunch up "do you have any idea how much you sounded like a woman right there? Come on man" leaning down Ian placed his lips against Mickey's feeling arms wrap around his back bringing him closer.


Night had fallen across Mexico bring Ian and Mickey to a party which was being hosted by Gloria, a close friend of theirs who surprisingly got on with both of the boys. She gave them both warm welcomed hugs which Ian smirked over Gloria shoulder as she hugged Mickey; he wasn't used to displays of affection from other people.

"Enjoy yourselves, you need anything let me know, movie starts in 30 minutes"

Ian watched as Gloria picked up her three year old daughter and kissed her husband "you ever want that?" he was brought out of his stare by Mickey who passed him a beer while tilting his head to Gloria "married with kids?"

Ian just shrugged "I don't know, maybe" he suddenly turned to Mickey with a grin "why you want to try and have a baby"

Mickey flashed him the middle finger before mumbling a 'fuck you' "seriously, you ever think about it, marriage?" Mickey watched as Ian's eyes practically shined like fireworks and then broke out into a grin

"Why, have you?"

Shrugging while taking a sip of his beer Mickey responded "yeah I guess, I mean, why the hell not right, we've been together for so fucking long even if it was on and off because of complicated shit. I guess I mean I could see us getting married" mickey turned to still see Ian grinning "what?"

"You are so cute you know that" he leaned over and kissed Mickey on the mouth "by the way that is the worst fucking proposal ever"

"Fuck you Gallagher, that was no proposal"

Little did Ian know how serious Mickey actually was when the whole marriage thing came into it. Yeah he thought it was strange the idea of getting married to someone but honestly Mickey never thought he would find someone who could not only put up with him but love him as much as he loved them. Mickey looked over at Ian before smiling softly, watching Ian's face radiate with laughter as he spoke with one of Gloria's cousins by the pool. Mickey hung back by the pool table doubling his money while still eyeing Ian

"I know that look" Gloria came up to him and handed him another beer "it's the same look me and my husband share, you two are very lucky to have each other"

He shrugged her off causing her to chuckle "don't be all chico duro on me Mickey, I know it's been very hard for you and Ian but you two have faced those troubles and come out on top, you are truly meant to be"

Mickey looked over at Ian biting his lip, in that moment he decided what he was going to do "hey can you help me with something"


After the movie night and pulling Mickey off a guy who was too much of a first class asshole the two walked back home.

"Punk ass little bitch talking to you like that" Mickey frowned as they walked, Ian chuckled and shook his head knowing better than to say it was ok because he knew it was only annoy Mickey more.

"Yeah I know" they were now walking across the beach avoiding the last remaining locals who had decided to stay out until late. Mickey felt his palms sweat slightly and his heart beat race as they got closer to their home "Look um, stay out here for a minute ok?"

Ian frowned with a confused smile but nodded, Mickey quickly walked into the flat and picked up the silver band he kept hidden his socks. "Don't be a pussy" he mumbled to himself before taking a deep breath and joining Ian outside "so um" Mickey smoothed out his hair "I've been thinking a lot about us and um, well...look don't fucking laugh ok because I will knock the teeth out of your head" Ian smiled and zipped his lips while Mickey walked forward and cupped Ian's face "Te llevo en mi corazón,mi minte, y mi alma para siempre"

Ian felt his lips part, his breath seemed to deepen as Mickey looked so intensely into his eyes, Mickey speaking Spanish was his kryptonite "wh-what does that mean?"

Biting his lip before replying Mickey felt his heart hammering against his chest "it means...I carry you in my heart, my mind and my soul forever"

Ho-ly shit!

"And um I know we'll be together because there is no way I'm letting you go and I hope you'll never let me go"

Ian gently shook his head while finally moving his hands to place on Mickeys hips "I won't"

Mickey smiled quickly before gulping; taking one hand of Ian's face he dipped his hand into his pants and pulled out the ring, he heard Ian let out a gasp in surprise before holding the ring between them "Ian fucking Gallagher" the two chuckled "will you make me the luckiest son of a bitch and marry me"

Ian bit his lip and suppressed his smirk "I don't know Mick" watching as Mickey's face drop he couldn't suppress the smirk anymore "will you still yell when I eat some of your jello"

Mickey let out a laugh "you fucking dick" he pushed Ian away slightly

Ian brought Mickey closer before giving him a passionate kiss "Yes Mickey, I'll marry you and make me the luckiest son of a bitch"

Chico duro – tough guy

Te llevo en mi corazón,mi minte, y mi alma para siempre – I carry you in my heart, my mind, and my soul forever


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