@angerbda's Science Fictional Christmas Carol Corner

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Because it's Christmas, and because this is the Christmas issue, and because we don't actually need a reason so sit back, chill out, and enjoy angerbda's version of Jingle Bells, 'Grinding Cogs!'

Smoggy through the glow,

On Jones' steam powered sleigh,

O'er the stars we go,

Ooorah'ing all the way.

Bolts on shell searing,

Flashing burning light,

What fun it is to cough and read

A steaming punk tonight.

Oh, grinding cogs, bouncing springs,

Through verse all the way;

Oh, how punk it is to slide

In Jones' steam powered sleigh...

Oh, grinding cogs, bouncing springs,

Through verse all the way;

Oh, how punk it is to slide

In Jones' steam powered sleigh...

A click or two ago,

I thought I'd take a slide,

And soon Miss Kris the sly

Was seated by my side;

sleigh all clinked and clanked,

H'ver around is not,

We got into a bright white bang,

And then Smith got me shot.

Oh, grinding cogs, bouncing springs,

Through verse all the way;

Oh, how punk it is to slide

In Jones' steam powered sleigh...

Oh, grinding cogs, bouncing springs,

Through verse all the way;

Oh, how punk it is to slide

In Jones' steam powered sleigh...

Tevun-Krus #36 - A Very Merry SteamPunk ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now