Chapter 4: Feeling Reveal

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Disclaimer alert: I do not own any of the following character from Pokemon. Here is chapter 4. So sit back relax and enjoy.


You and Mightiyena finally reach the position where Lillie scram has come from and saw that there is a couple of spider like pokemon around Lillie "What the heck is that? A spider? Am I in some kind Viridian forest back in Kanto? It somehow remind me of Ariados" You thought to yourself as you look at those spider. Just as the spider was about to attack Lillie, you quickly rush down and block the attack with your hand.

Lillie POV*

"Why did it come to this? I am so foolish to run away...but maybe it is for the best for me and [Y/N]." I thought to myself as I look at Lilligant who was badly hurt beside me. "Qpadsss!" I turn around and saw the pokemon are hissing at me. I close my eyes as I saw that they are going to attack. "[Y/N]" I silently thought about his name.

"Tch!" I heard a voice in pain. I open my eye and too my surprise I saw [Y/N] standing in front of with his right arm burn. I could feel my eye was filling with water as I call out to him "[Y/N]...Why?" He look at me with a concern look in his eye. "I am so foolish to think that he hate me. It my fault that he got hurt now" I thought to myself as I look at his arm in silence. "Sorry" I said in a soft voice as I avoid his gaze.

Reader POV*

"Tch!" You block the attack with your right arm as you click your tongue in pain. "So this is how the move scald feel...I should be happy that it is not the move acid or anything." You mumble in a soft voice. You then turn around and saw Lillie was on the verge of tear and heard her said "[Y/N]...Why?"

You then look at Mightiyena and give him a signal to battle them on his own first. Mightiyena look at you and nodded as he went to battle the spider. You then turn back and look at Lillie with a concern look and heard her apologizing to you.

"Are you an idiot?" You then raise your voice unknowing. "I hate you? How can I hate you? You are the cutest, caring and beautiful girl I seen so far. Why do you think I will hate you? Do you know how much you make me worried?" You ask in anger not knowing what have come to you.

You then continue "Do you want to know the reason why I am so down since just now? It is because I am jealous of you been so friendly with sun."

"What on Arcues am I even saying?" You thought to yourself not knowing what or why are you so agitated with her. The next thing that you said actually shock the both of you.

"I am jealous because I like you, Lillie! I like you since I meet you. I like you since I see your smile. I like everything about you. So when I see you been so friendly with Sun, I could not help myself being jealous about him." You said it out loud as she look at you as her face turn red.

Lillie POV*

"EHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I thought to myself as I listen to [Y/N] words. "Is that a confession that I just get? What should I do?" I ask myself in silence as I felt my face heating up. I look at [Y/N] as he face turn red. I felt my heart beating fast as I look at his face.

At that moment I realize that I too might have fallen in love with [Y/N]. I decided to gather up my courage and tell him how I feel. Just as I was about to say how I feel, I heard Sun and the rest from a distance calling us.

Reader POV*

You then pant afterward in exhaustion. After you calm down, you realize that you have actually told how Lillie feel. You then blush slightly as you glance at Lillie. "Arrg, I am such an idiot for letting my emotion to control me. Now I wonder how I am going to face her. More importantly, I wonder how she feel about me." You sigh in annoy feeling mix emotion from your feeling.

"Oi [Y/N] and Lillie are you alright?" You heard Sun and the rest calling the both of you in distance. You then look at them and turn to look behind you. Noticing that Mightiyena have defeated the spider, you sigh in relief and return you pokemon as the rest proceed you guys.

"Geez for a second you make use worried you know" You watch Sun having a conversation with Lillie. You eye brown twitch in annoy. "Woah [Y/N]. What happen here?" You heard Ash asking as he look at the fainted Spider.

You then explain the situation and heard Sun explain that Lillie have accidentally enter their territory. "Hmm? Hey [Y/N], you are hurt!" You heard Ash said as he look at your right arm. "Hahaha, I just happen to fall and hurt myself." You said as you hide your right arm behind and look away.

"More like burn. Let me see that. I doubt with that wound you can battle in a while." Serena said as she went to treat your wound with the medic kit that she have with her. "What do you mean Serena?" You heard Lillie ask as she look at the both of you in confuse.

Ash then explain that you use your right hand to throw the pokeball. At that moment you saw Lillie look at you with a stun expression. You sigh and took you the Stufful that you caught and give it to her.

"Here, I caught it for you just now when I was coming here." You put it into Lillie hand as she accept it reluctantly. You then look at your watch and said "Shall we return? It is about time we have that tag battle?" The rest nodded as you guys leave the forest.

As you guys leave the forest, you notice that Lillie was laughing happily with Sun as you walk at the back of them. "...Lillie..." You thought to yourself as your hair cover your eye. You then look at your arm and sigh in annoy hating the feeling of jealousy.

Lillie POV*

I glance back a bit as we are walking out of the forest and saw that [Y/N] is looking at his hand. "[Y/N]...It all my fault that he got hurt. I wonder how I can make up to him." I thought to myself silently as I look at [Y/N] with a worried expression.



Okay let stop here for now. Jealousy is always bad? Well I am not sure about that. Next time, we will see the battle of Reader and Lillie. Let me know what pokemon you want to see been use on Reader POV. Here is he following team: Groudon, Dexoys, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Cresselia (I might change this pokemon to others legendary, let me know what you want it to change to.) and Mightiyena.


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