Chapter 20 - Melemele Grand Trial part 1

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Pokemon. Here is the chapter 20. So, sit back relax and enjoy the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You know Sun wasn't joking when he says we need to wait until evening for our turn." You said as you glance at a piece of paper which wrote a number '100'. "I agree on that. What is the number that you all get? I got '50'" Ash said as he holds up his paper while showing you all his number. Lillie and Serena show theirs respectively which holds '35' and '40' respectively.

Upon seeing their number, you could not help but to let out a sigh and told them that you are number 100 which was the last one in line. "You know, they kind of do the right thing by putting you as the last one. If they were to put you somewhere between 1-99 who knows what will happen to this area or the people in here." Ash said as he glances around to see that there are many different group and people gather at Iki Town.

You roll your eye and told him that you won't start anything crazy here probably and wonder what to do now. "Well we have sometime before our turn, what do you guys want to do?" Serena ask as you all look at one another. Ash told her that he wants to watch the battle and proceed to the battlefield leaving you three standing there with a sigh.

"I am going to meet up with professor for a while to report about my adventure so far, how about you [Y/N]?" Lillie ask as you thought for a moment. "Well, I am going to train a little with Wimpod as I don't know how strong is my opponent later on. I heard that the Kahuna we fighting is decently strong." You said as you glance over at the Kahuna, who was currently engross in his battle. Lillie than nodded and wishes you good luck by giving you a small kiss on your check before going off and find the professor. Serena decided to tag along with Lillie as you walk off to the seaside area for your training.

Upon reaching your destination, you send out Wimpod and Mightiyena. "Alright listen up Wimpod, I am now going to train you hard so that you are as strong as my other pokemon. Now than, Mightiyena, help us out by attacking Wimpod at your best ability." The both pokemon nodded in union as the training start to go underway.

As couple of hours have pass, you notice that Wimpod was getting stronger and stronger as it keeps gaining new skills and level and ultimately have evolve into a monster looking pokemon. "What in the world did Wimpod evolve into?" You member under your breath as you took out your pokedex to see it detail.

"Hmm so you evolve into Golisopod huh? Wait a minute... how the heck does you look like woodlouse previously and now you grow into some kind of monster that have hands and leg. Where does those hand and legs come from? Hold on... does that mean that you can shoot laser beam from your eye or something?" You ask as Golisopod only look at you for a moment before putting it big hand on your forehead to check if you have a fever.

"Hey! I don't have a fever okay? Maybe I have been watching too much sci-fi movie or something. Well whatever it is, I just got a perfect idea on what to teach you already...hehehehe..." You said with an evil grin as you proceed to carry out your crazy plan in mind.

As you train your newly Golisopod into something that pokemon logic does not apply, you notice the sun is going down. Not wanting to miss out your battle, you decided to call off the intensive training and head to the nearby Pokemon center to heal up your teammate before heading back to Ikki town.

As you walk back into Ikki town, you notice that you are in time as you watch Number 99 participate pokemon been knock out by his opponent giant fat looking crab. "What the hell is that pokemon? An Alola Crawdaunt? Still... it looks too fat to be one..." You thought to yourself as you notice Lillie and the rest walk up to you.

"Oh, hey Lillie! How was the battle with the Kahuna?" You ask as you look at her with a gentle eye. "[Y/N], I won the Kahuna with my Fishzilla (AKA Wishiwashi. Refer back to chapter 3)! Here look!" Lillie said as she flashes a card that has a stamp on it along with a Z-crystal.

"I see. Good job Lillie! I am proud of you!" You said as you pat her head which causes her to blush. "Oh? [Y/N]! Apparently, you are being call to the fight with the Kahuna. Good luck [Y/N]!" Lillie said with a smile as the both of you heard your name being call in the distance. You let out a small smile at her before heading to face off with the Kahuna.

Upon reaching the center of the field, you notice a fat old man was standing in the center of the battlefield as he waits for your arrival. Not knowing who is he, you decided to ask. "Are you the Kahuna for this island?' You ask as he reply with a nod.

"Indeed I am. I am the Island Kahuna, Hala! I have heard some interesting thing from Lillie, [Y/N]. I look forward to our battle. Oh, and one more thing, apparently I also heard that you love to destroy thing in the battle, so can I ask you to not break or destroy anything in this town?" Hala ask as you let out a wryly laugh.

"A-Ahahaha... Erm.... I try? Maybe? Probably?" You said as you glance at Ash, who is standing the front of the audience ring. "Dame you Ash! You just got to rant your big mouth, don't you? I will may you pay later." You mumble under your breath as you proceed to the corner of the battlefield.

Lillie POV*

"Ash? What wrong? You seem to be pale... Are you alright?" Serena ask as I glance at Ash face, who was sweating quite a bit. "For now, I am alright... Hey after this if [Y/N] ask where am I, can the both of you tell him that you have no idea? For some reason, I can feel that my life is in danger right after this battle is over." Ash said as he looks at [Y/N] with a fearful expression. No understanding what Ash mean, I ignore him and watch [Y/N] sending out his pokemon.

Reader POV*

"Alright! Let do this Golisopod!" You said as you send out your new evolve Wimpod.

"This is the final battle for today Crabominable! Let give it our best shot!" Hala said as he sent out his beast which landed in front of you and Golisopod.

"Geez.... Talk about huge size. Thou that said, this crab whatever nonsense seem to look like its trainer in someway or another. Talk about the bond they have there." You thought to yourself as you glance at it before looking at Hala stomach.

"Both trainers please be ready. Condition for Challenger to be victory: Defeat Crabominable. Condition for defeat: All challenger pokemon have been unable to battle. If not question, let the battle begin!"


Okay let stop her for now. The next time we shall witness the grand fight between the Reader and the serious Hala. What do you think will happen? Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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