~The central police station back at home~

"What happened?" The police chief questioned, glaring at the two officers that came empty handed. "I expected this to be a simple task of bringing them here, maybe charging them for destruction of property if the homeowners were to not push any charges, and end the whole deal." Geoff, the police head and chief was surprised nonetheless that these two came up with no one and half beat up. "What happened?"

"Well-" Began Henry, the first cop to speak with (Name). He genuinely didn't want any problems with the people, he was just doing his job.

"The bitch was fucking crazy boss, the three guys totally attacked us out of nowhere. I think we should inspect the house for drugs or some shit cause she acted bat shit crazy. Spouting some shit about how the guys didn't exist and how she couldn't leave. Bat.Shit.Crazy." Said Ryan. The second cop who had no patience.

"You have reason to believe that (First Name) (Last Name) of the (Last Name) family was hiding criminals AND taking drugs?" The chief summed up in a questioned, looking a bit irritated at the officers.

Ryan nodded. Feeling satisfied with his choice of words. Henry sighed. If this moron kept talking they were going to get in more trouble than before.

"What really happened was that we did try to enter miss (Last Name)'s home however, she kept stalling. Making it seem she was trying to get away. When she did open the door she began rambling about how the men were actually illegal, "not existing" as she phrased it. Then without warning they attacked and we went out cold."

"So you were still attacked by the men?" The chief questioned.

Henry cleared his throat. Yes it's true they were beaten by a girl but there was no way a man's pride could admit that. "Yes." He said.

The chief sighed, realizing the seriousness at stake. "Well, assault of a police officer is a crime. And if what she said was true then the men are illegal. If we don't have contact with (Name) in the next 24 hours then you have permission to search her home."

The two officers nodded to their duties. A case was forming and they were definitely part of it.


(song of your choice/a song you think would be Flavio's ringtone)

"Oh no! I have to take this, I'll see you later si?" Flavio said already walking away. "O-oh okay!" (Name) stuttered out. He waved a kiss and winked at the girl before turning his back and taking the call.

Everything about that situation freaked (Name) out. From the attack to the kissing, Flavio was going to be one hell of a friend to hang out with.
Friend? (Name) thought.

Will we really be friends?

"Should we continue?" Oliver woke her up from her occurring thoughts. Suddenly a rush went through her. Like a kick of excitement. "Yeah." She nodded, smiling happily.


The main room was mainly empty, only a couple people wandered around. Xiao was sitting on the couch, his black Changshan mildly open showing a tattoo on his chest. Now that I noticed it he had a couple of tattoo's, like really cool looking tattoo's but I don't think he'd ever let me see them much less touch them. He gazed at me for a second a smirk rising to his lips as he met eyes with me. My eyes grew quickly and I turned forward, eyes meeting Oliver's light pink sweater vest. Lutz was there as well, huddling next to Allen who was speaking on the phone angrily. Oliver and I walked towards the situation, sensing something was off.

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