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His phone keeps vibrating on his nightstand and Demi nudges him to get him to make it stop. It's too early for people to be calling he thinks as he grabs it to put it on silent. And then it's like lightening strikes and he remembers what is happening today, it's grammy nomination announcement day.

He sits up and leaves the room as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake his angel up. He knows she deserves a nomination but that doesn't mean that they know and he doesn't want to see her face bathed in disappointment if they don't call her name, again. 

He's scrolling through his messages as he makes a coffee, determined to stay awake and see for himself if she is nominated. If she's not it's okay. He'll go back to bed and cuddle with her, but if she is he decides that he's going to record her reaction. 

He doesn't even get a chance to turn on the tv before his twitter is blowing up with messages of congratulations. She did it. She's a grammy nominated artist he thinks as he sees a screenshot of the nomination list.

He hurries back to the bedroom where he's sure her phone is also blowing up. He doesn't want to miss her face as she sees her dream come true.

He breathes a sigh of relief as he sees her still asleep. Demi could sleep through an earthquake he thinks.

He gets his phone ready and starts to wake her up.

"Baby wake up"

"Babe wake up"

"It's too early Wilmer" she whines as she burrows deeper into the blankets.

"Babe wake up" he says again as he smacks her on the ass to get her moving. And it does the trick too. She sits up in bed a scowl on her face, that's my Demi he thinks, definitely not a morning person.


"Check your phone?"

"You've got to be kidding me babe."

"Come on nena check your phone and then I'll let you go back to sleep"

"Fine but don't think I'm going to forget you waking me up by smacking my ass" she grumbles as she grabs her phone.

Her reaction is instantaneous. Her mouth opens in surprise, her eyes fill with unshed tears. She looks at me and I nod to confirm that she's not dreaming.

"I'm nominated! BABY IM NOMINATED FOR A GRAMMY HOLY SHIT" she screams as she starts to jump up and down on the bed.

My own eyes tear up as I watch the love of my life get everything she's always wanted, validation.

I make sure to keep the camera on her as I record her screaming and excitement at being nominated. And then she turns to me, tears running down her cheeks and launches herself in my arms. I drop my phone then as I wrap my arms around her.

"You were right baby"

"Of course I was" I say as my voice cracks when I remember what happened just twelve hours before.

I had found her in our bedroom sitting in our bed and staring out into the backyard. Her face clouded with worry.

"What's got you thinking so hard Angel?" I asked as I made my way further into the bedroom and took my place right next to her on the bed.

"Grammy nominations are tomorrow"


"And I'm probably not going to get nominated" she mumbles as she plays with the bracelets on her hand.

"Hey that's not a good way to think babe. Your album is amazing. There's no way you won't be nominated" I say as pull her into my arms.

"You thought my last album was amazing and I didn't get nominated" she grumbles as she snuggles into my chest.

"Let's put it out into the universe then if you don't believe me"

"How?" She asks as she looks up at me one eyebrow raised in question.

"Repeat after me. 'I'm going to be nominated for a Grammy'"

"That's silly"

"Come on, just say it"

"I'm going to be nominated for a Grammy" she whispers.

"You can do better than that babe"

"I'm going to be nominated for a Grammy, I'm going to be nominated for a Grammy, I'M GOING TO GE NOMINATED FOR A GRAMMY BITCHES!" She yells as she jumps up and down.

"I'm nominated for a Grammy Wilmer" she whispers in my ear as her arms tighten around my neck.

"Next year you'll be a Grammy winner baby" I whisper back as I place a kiss on her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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