You're So Vain

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Demi Pov:

"Its time for sound check, are you coming with me?"  We are in my bed, on my tour bus, watching S.W.A.T, his favorite movie.

"If you want me to," He answers not taking his eyes off the movie.  I don't see what's so interesting about it either, but whatevs; he's being such a guy.

"Only if you want to come.  So I was thinking that maybe tomorrow, on my day off we could go to the fair they have here? I saw a sign for it when the tour bus pulled into the town.  And at night we can go to their famous haunted house, what do you think?"

"Yeah sounds good."

"So you don't mind then?  We could also get manicures and pedicures together."

"Yeah babe anything you want." He's not even listening to me.  Wilmer would not be caught dead near a manicurist!

"You're such a jerk!" I say while smacking him on the chest.

"Ouch what did you do that for?"

"You're not even listening to a word I'm saying!"

"Yes I am"

"Prove it"


"What was I just telling you before I hit you?"

"Ummm something about sound check?"

"You are unbelievable! I haven't seen you in a month and you don't even have the decency to pay attention to a word I 'm saying? I'm leaving, come to sound check or not, I don't care."

I storm off the tour bus and head for the arena, more than ready to get away from him.  I know I over reacted and usually small things don't make me blow up the way I did just now.  But being ignored is one of my biggest, if not the biggest pet peeve I have and he knows that.

I do sound check as usual, a handful of fans are there to watch and then I do a q&a.  The whole time I'm super aware of Wilmer's presence of to the side, where the fans can't see him, but I pay him no attention.  As they shuffle the fans out I walk to Rob, one of my dancers, to let him know of the change of plans for tonight's show.

"Hey Rob can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Of course Demi, what's up?"

"You know the original choreography that my dad didn't like because of how risqué it was?"


"Okay well we are doing it tonight"

"But it doesn't say that in the call sheet." This is why I hate my dad having any control over my tour, because everyone follows his orders, but tend to forget who the real boss is, me.

"I don't care what the call sheet says, I'm telling you that we are changing it.  Do you have a problem with that?" I don't mean to be a bitch but they need to learn their place, sure I'm younger than them, but I worked my ass off to be where I am, so they have to respect me and follow my orders whether they like it or not.

"No not at all, risqué choreography it is."

"Great, see you in a couple hours for the show then."

"Sure thing boss."

Wilmer is in for a little treat tonight.  Since he decided to ignore me knowing how big that pet peeve is to me, I'm going to make him watch someone touching me, since that's his biggest pet peeve.  Payback is a bitch.


The rest of the day was spent just relaxing in the bus, nothing too exciting since I needed to be well rested for tonight's show.  I acted like I wasn't upset anymore, not wanting to ruin one of our days together.

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