Healthy-or Not

142 7 2

Dear Kat,

I have a friend who is overweight. She has been made fun of for it, and refuses to embrace her figure as it is. She isn't the stereotype of pretty and she's always been rejected by boys. Recently, this has damaged he image of herself. I have noticed that when we go to lunch, she will skip the second side, eat everything on her plate, and then leave for the bathroom. For the first few days I thought nothing of it. But soon she came back from the restroom looking sort of pale and sickly. She also has lost a lot of weight. I am afraid that she is forcing herself to throw up her food. I followed her last week and heard her heaving and apparently vomiting. This has been going on for a month. What should I do?


Dear SaveMyFriend,

If you are positive that you heard her vomiting it all up on purpose, then it is no coincidence. You need to find a private place and time to ask her about this problem. This eating disorder is also known as bulimia. That means that the person takes laxitives or forces themselves to throw up or use the bathroom to get rid of food.

Encourage this girl to stop, but if she doesn't, tell an adult immediatly. If this has really been going on a month, go to see a school counselor or another trusted adult, but eating disorders like this can even hospitalize people. So, even if your friend seems to hate you for telling, one day she'll thank you. She may seem to be better, but watch for signs of it continuing. Remember, you are not helping this friend by letting her continue. If she still wants to lose weight, encourage her to exercise and eat healthier. You could even join her so she won't feel alone.



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