Chapter 23 - I'm Glad You Put Me Into Detention

Start from the beginning

He chuckled. "Thank god I'm your neighbor. I know you love horror movies because you watch them like every night. I could hear you saying 'that's stupid' and 'don't split up' all the time." He said while imitating me.

"Oh wow, that's embarrassing." I said and chuckled.

"I know that feeling though," He said. "The main characters in horror movies are either clueless or dumb as hell. It's frustrating, I know."

"Exactly," I said. "I wouldn't suggest to split up in the middle of a freaking woods at night. No way."

After Corey get us our popcorns and drinks, the movie finally started. The movie title was 'Split' – a movie about a guy with 23 different personalities. Speaking of the devil, huh? We just talked about how in horror movies someone would always suggest to split up and right now we're watching a movie called 'Split'.

Glancing to my side, I noticed that Clayton is a little bit tense so I grabbed his hand and hold it tight to make him comfortable. "Are you scared?" I asked, holding my chuckle.

He looked at me as if I was crazy and shook his head. "No way."

"You look like someone who's about to give birth, Wade." I said and laughed.

"Well, let's just see who will give birth by the end of the movie," Clayton said, but then he furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, that sounds wrong."

I laughed. "I bet you will."

He smirked. "Game on."


I stared blankly at the screen as the movie ended. To be quite honest, I didn't know what to say or how to react because the film completely blew my mind away. It was good. It was scary, too scary. Clayton, on the other hand, was completely fine. "Oh sweet little Serena. Are you scared, darling?" Clayton teased in British accent. "Did you gave birth? Where's the baby?" He laughed.

I groaned and slapped the back of his head. "Not funny, Wade. I don't think you should be playing with my fear."

"Your fear?"

"I have a phobia of being kidnapped." I said.

He chuckled but then realized I was being serious. "Wait, you're serious?"

I nodded. "I don't know why but I have this intense fear of being kidnapped. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping at night because I'm afraid someone's going to break into my house and take me."

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "You don't have to worry about that now because you have me as your neighbor."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "One thing I know about you is that you sleep like a rock. Your snore is like a roaring tank."

"How do you know I snore?" He asked curiously.

"I could hear your snore from my room, dumbass."


"What should we do now?" I asked as we exited the theater. I grabbed onto his forearm as we walked towards his car.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said. "I'm very hungry, pretty boy."

He chuckled. "Are we doing this nickname thing now, doll?"

I shot him a disgusted look. "Ugh please no."

He chuckled. "There's this new restaurant—"

I cut him off. "Why don't we just go to my house and cook something? I'd prefer eating in my house, or we could go to your house – either way it's fine. I just don't like restaurants."

He smiled. "I knew you would say that."

"Then why don't you just say that in the first place?" I asked.

"I thought it would be nice if I offered you to go to a restaurant first," He shrugged. "You know, the gentleman style," He said and quoted the 'gentleman style'. "I thought it would be rude if I asked you to eat at my place on the first date."

"No, it's not. I love your house and I want to meet your sister anyways."

"So it's my sister?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.


He shot me a blank expression. "You want to come to my house because of my sister and not me?"

"Why would I want to see you though? You're right here." I said.

"Nevermind," Clayton said. "Sometimes I just can't figure how that small brain of yours works."

"Wade, let's be honest here. Who's the person that scored 40 on English? You can't even spell rhythm."

He raised an eyebrow. "How do you know? I think it was two years ago when the whole class laughed at me because I couldn't spell rhythm."

"I was in your class," I said. "You just never know I existed."

He smiled. "Well, mi lady. I'm glad you put me into detention."


Hello lovelies! It has been a while since I updated and I'm sorry for that. I have been really busy with school and all of that stuff. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.  I was smiling to myself while writing this chapter because they're just so cute. Don't you just love it when you can chat and act comfortably in front of your loved ones?

P.S If you're a horror movie lover just like me, or you love watching movies, I suggest that you watch the movie 'Split' - if you have, what do you think? and if you haven't, you should definitely watch it. For me, it was so damn good.

Please comment and vote! XO

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