Chapter 21 - Friday

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I woke up on the last day of school with a huge smile on my face, because it's Friday and you know what's going to happen tonight. Well, you don't exactly know what's going to happen but at least you know that I'm not going to spend my Friday night alone, like always do. Thus, I believe I won't be able to erase this ear-to-ear smile I had on my face and that's going to be a lot of trouble because knowing Clayton, he will tease me to death for it.

It's been a long wait for this day to arrive, and it's finally here. I got ready as quickly as I can, putting my hair onto a half up braids and slipping on a pair of black skinny jeans, light grey knit sweater, and a pair of high cut converse. Also, not forgetting to put a light touch of make up on my face. I'm the type of person that do everything based on my mood, if you couldn't already tell about me. I can put a lot of effort for school one morning, but at times, I would be too lazy to even brush my hair. However, today I guess I'm feeling good so might as well look nice for it.

I excitedly marched downstairs as I threw my bag across my back. My parents was still out of town so it's only me and my brother in the house, so that means no breakfast. I turned the corner to enter the kitchen and the scene before me was simply unbelieveable. My lasy- ass older brother was cooking breakfast. It's seven in the morning.

"Since when did you cook?" I asked, grabbing a plate from the dishwasher and gave it to my brother. Or should I say chef. He just casually shrugged and put a piece of two fried eggs and three bacons. I suspiciously eyed him as I went around the counter and sat on the seat, facing him. "This is freaking me out, Castello." I said as I took a bite of the bacon.

"Can you just shut up and eat?" Sebastian said and rolled his eyes. "Mom told me to cook because my little sister obiviously can't cook." He spit.

"Who says I can't cook?" I protested.

"I just did," He shrugged and stood up from his seat, putting his backpack over his shoulders. "Bye, sissy." He said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Can't you at least offer me a ride?" I shouted, looking back at my asshole of a brother.

"No, can't do." He said and waved at me with the back of his hand. "Ciao!"

"Asshole." I muttered.


"Young lady, you're smiling like an idot on the sidewalk, not to mention in the morning. What has gotten into you?" Claire said as she pulled up on my driveway, rolling down the window. I blinked my eyes rapidly at her and once again shot a wide grin at her, to which earned a blank expression from her. I just shook my head and went towards the passanger's seat. She drove out of my driveway as I got into the car.

"SOS for tonight?" Claire asked, wriggling her eyebrows at me.

"Obiviously!" I said in a duh tone. I reached out my hand to the radio and turned it on. The radio was connected to Claire's phone via bluetooth so we're currently listening her playlist. The first song that came up was 'Young Girls' by my good ol' fave Bruno Mars. I shrieked as I increased the volume up. "I love this song!"

"All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah you young wild girls
You'll be the death of me, the death of me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
I'll always come back to you, come back to you."

I was too occupied singing the song, I didn't realize we had parked. We climbed out of the car as the engine died and joined the sea of people trying to get into the school. It's such a shame that the ride to school only took a few minutes. As we got inside the school, we walked down the hallway to our lockers, only to notice a big commotion in front of mine and Claire's lockers. "What now?" Claire muttered as she speed-walked towards our lockers, pushing people aside with her hulk-like power. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

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