Chapter 20 - Reality Show

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"This is another reason why I don't get girls," Clayton wrinkled his nose, giving a disapproving look towards what I'm currently watching and shook his head as if he was disappointed. "Why do you even watch this shit? That werewolf is probably the ugliest werewolf I have ever seen in my entire life," He said, pointing at the screen which currently showed a scene of Scott McCall. "Boo!" He throwed a handful of popcorn towards the screen.

Yup, folks. We're currently watching Teen Wolf in my room. I watched it as soon as I got home because I have nothing to do so might as well re-watch the whole season of Teen Wolf.

"Wade! Why'd you do that?" I said, pointing at the popcorns scattered across the floor of my room. "Anyways, is he really that ugly to deserve popcorns thrown at him? I mean, look at him! He's hot!" I protested, crossing my arms across my chest. "When he's human, that is. But still, he's hot."

I've got to say, what Clayton said was true. I mean, I never would have thought that werewolves would walk with two feets. Those are the ancient werewolves, if you ask me.

"Hot, my ass!" He scoffed and shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "This version of werewolf is so ugly until I can say Jacob Black is better." He said and pretended to gag.

I chuckled and shook my head. There's nothing I could do to argue with this guy. "Right. Whatever."

"Seriously though," He said. "I just don't get why girls love this show so much."

"The actors are—" I was cut off when he shoved a handful of popcorn into my mouth. "I know what you're going to say so I did it to shut you up. They're not as hot as me, cupcake." He said and winked.

I rolled my eyes. As the tenth episode came to an end, I turned off the TV and turned to face Clayton, who looked like he could devour a whole cow. "Anyways, about this Friday night," I said, my face blushing red. "What should I wear?"

He smirked. "Just don't wear high heels."



"So how's things with you and Ryan?" I said, taking a bite from my sandwich. Claire shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she heard my sudden question. Why though? I thought she was ready to talk about it when she literally swapped saliva in front of me at my table while I was clinging onto my lunch for dear life. I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyence. "What? You don't want to talk about it?" I asked, my tone sounded a little too harsh.

Claire shook her head. "I..uh..we kind of broke up?" She sighed and started playing with her fingers.

I widened my eyes in shock. Okay, now I feel bad for snapping at her like that. Without saying anything, I stood up from my chair and sat on the seat next to her. "I'm so sorry. I thought you didn't want to talk about it and..I'm sorry," I said and hugged her to comfort her.

"It's okay," She said and hugged me back before we broke the hug. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you though. I was planning to tell you but you asked first so.." She said and chuckled.

"Uh, so why did you broke up?" I asked, carefully. "Is it too early to ask that? Do you want me to wait? Cause I can wait if you want to—"

She cut me off and laughed. "It's fine. Ryan, he said he didn't want to get involved with Clayton and the other guys. He said he was scared of the boys. They kind of bullied him, you know?"

I gasped. "What? So this is because of me?"

Claire shook her head vigorously. "No, it's not! Don't you ever think it happened because you. What happened, happened and there's nothing I could do about it. It's not because of you or Clayton or anyone. It's nobody's fault."

"But!" I tried to protest.

"Serena Castello!" She glared at me and immediately I shut my mouth.

This is what I love about her the most. She never blames anyone for anything that happened in her life instead she said it purely based on mistake and never took it for granted. But one thing did happened though, when her puppy – Ace – went missing, she put the blame on Brody because apparently he was the last person that saw it. She was certain that he probably devoured it alive or buried it alive. That was it, though.

"Gossips!" Ethan screamed in our ears and slammed his fists on the table, which made me and Claire jumped in our seats. "What's the latest gossip, gossip girls?"

I rolled my eyes as my gaze landed on the gang. Wade, Hood, Brenner, and..Dane? "Are you in the gang?" I asked, pointing at Brody while furrowing my eyebrows. The last time I checked Brody definitely called Clayton an a-hole, and Clayton called Brody a d-shit. The boys immediately flocked our tables—Clayton was on my side, Brody was in front of me, Ethan was on Claire's side, and Daniel was beside Brody.

Brody just shrugged and stole a piece of my sandwich, to which earned him a glare from me. "We're on friendly terms, I guess." I turned to Clayton and he nodded. Oh wow, that's a miracle.

"Guys, guys, guys!" Daniel franatically said, while waving his hand at us and looking behind his back. "Queen biatch and her not so charming prince is coming!" Daniel whispered as he turned to face us, which made all of us turned our attention to what he was talking about. "Wait, since when did they become close?" Daniel asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

That's when I saw it. Dean with Queen Biatch on his side walking into the cafeteria, almost immediately the whole student body zone onto them, even me and the gang. Yup, it's me and the Gang now. I couldn't help but to let my jaw drop at the scene before me, and a pang of betrayal hit me right in the chest. I couldn't help it though, it was only right for me to felt betrayed when, Dean who betrayed me in the first place, got together with the girl whom – he knew – made my life a living hell. Selfish, I know. But still, I'm human and I have feelings.

"Are they dating?" Claire asked, turned to face Ethan.

He was taken aback at first, but decided to play it cool and answered with a casual shrug. "Dunno, but there's something going on and that's definite."

"Oh wow, thanks for the information." Claire said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

I see a ship.

"I'm starting to feel like we're shooting a reality show," Daniel said. We all turned to him with a confused expression. He shrugged, "You know, like the one called Keeping Up with The Kardashians? Only this one, is Try Keeping Up with the Drama Queen." He said, earning an eyebrow from each of us.

"And her Prince Toad." I added.

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that." Clayton said and playfully shook his head.


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